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Waxing Moon

Chapter 9 A Well Needed Relief

Word Count: 2142    |    Released on: 19/01/2022

ad passed since

ld up the end

ntial to Gally for easing the transition, as the Trita clan was known to be more accommodating for humans. Co

out the support. Mina had mentioned that she could smell the laceration before she even saw her, confirming C

her a lot better. Mina was mostly to teach Cora Swedish, an

ling the rays of the hot sun. She glanced around

territory was vast, homes of Betas strewn throughout the borders to ensure that authority was always close by. The

ing her near this hot spring. She was eager for the

d do it now. We are going to take you, later today, to th

with bated breath, glancing to Mina. Her skin wa

sometimes months, to prepare

is "t

that meant nothing to Cora. "Um, let"s see, they are like your

picture a lycan version o

k brown eyes, which were almond shaped and had a soft look about them, her smile comforting.

seen i

ally turn hum

, why

med was Josephine, the previous Luna. She was mated to the Alpha

ed, taking in a deep breath of the

d out that she was an R and took her, forcing her to be his mate. They had a weird relationship. Some say she came willingly, tired of her husban

pping on a crooked cobblestone as

it as a revenge. But don"t worry. I think Ludovic wants to see if

then," Cora said,

, prompting

eaves and scurrying creatures led Cora to see why anyone wo

ou settling in

er than before. I am now allowed to cook for myself and

a lot?"

icious emptiness in her chest, looking down and away to the manicured gray stone beneath them. She wanted to sneak

could eventually be tr

am sorry you have to go through such a

e me?" Cora asked bitterly, picking up a stick and s

na said, and Cora glanced to her.

ra asked wit

ecially when they are drunk. They are very sensitive, though. I

ddly unde

re known for their

Can I come live in your attic t

yous. Mina"s voice quieted again as her own duty returned to her. "No. No, the Ashmores

d. Cora eventually squinted to see what was ahead,

ot going there, though. There"s a little path

r so, without any real evolution, it turned to rocks, and a hot spring was revealed. It was in the side of the mountain

? There"s no one here." She looked to Mina after examining the p

t usually let a

special for a moment, althoug

sk using it without his permission, but I think your back could use it. He knows we all

ill h

m the Matriarchs. Pain r

this to himself,

re than that. It"s easy for us to get into fights, as we are often hot-blooded. He is no exception," Mina began, her tone switching to a professional one of instruction. "So, he visits often,

me in. This l

. Nudity was slowly becoming a concept that Cora was comfortable with, at lea

n on her back stretched. She put her legs inside the water, and the rock was so smo

his to himself," Cora said, her body nea

ose perks a

aid, opening her eyes. There was an i

onship. I like making friends," Mi

way?" Cora asked, waving her hands in the water, relishing how light her body f

here. And not many of my kind make friends with humans. M

e put her back against it, seizing as the water didn"t numb everything. She remain

u won"t want to ge

id and just let

ck. I am going to g

cking open an eye to ta

u don"t know a spot for it. Lycans can chew on it, but it"s bad for humans to

er brows at the genuine gesture. "Tha

"re Luna," Mina said before bo

ature in the background while her body floated as if she had no joints. Well, if being a Luna gets me this

picture them in her mind, they would come to life in her heart, living in memories

n. He could s

ere. My duty. Two weeks ago, her duty was to help take care of their small farm and assist in running the home. Now, C

ve my bab

rately needed to focus on her happiness an

r sanity to t

ade think that Mina was back already. Cora asked, "So,

ngly dull senses," a

r, resurfacing with her hair in her eyes. She worked quickly to

is forties with pale skin, a chest tattoo,

r one wa

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