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Waxing Moon

Chapter 10 Not Alone

Word Count: 2265    |    Released on: 19/01/2022

.." Cora

expression frozen with a mixture of curiosity and intolerance. The water"s temperature seemed to rise with he

n like a frighte

egging to mate filled the awkward air. Then Cora heard someone feverishly running t

as she bowed her head to rapidly fire o

r chin in the water as she watched them speak, like waiting for two parents to stop arguing. She loo

said, an authority present in her

a as the Alpha and the

he was at the edge. The other male

rough grit teeth, her eyes s

water onto the stone, drenching the rock around her. She was surprised that her b

a noticed the air drying her skin, he

this kind of drastic temperature cha

warm and rough, spinning her, so her back was to him as he ignored her obvious discomfort. She felt the heat of his b

aring as it was replaced with a wall of heat, he

aising the ha

e," he

s warmth and hated herself for that. What would the hunters think of

involuntary reaction. She wasn"t sure if it was from Ludovic or the cold -- or both. The thought disappointed herself,

ic tone. "Som ni kan se, hennes r

m Ludovic that made Cora move closer to Mina. Everythin

pleading voice, showing the palms of her hand as she spo

anced to her. Then he languidly looked back to Mina. "Gör det

ing no idea what custom was expected of her. Ludovic"s eyes

in from. Mina grabbed Cora"s bad arm, resulting in a

ve gone a who

ong gone for the day. I am so sorry,"

ora said, only seei

lucky," Mina said, and the r


sually incurred for that." Cora looked over Mina and could see that her

ra asked, hugging herself a

er than later," Mina mumbled under her br

Adrenaline and all that. I feel like I want to run fi

gh?" Cora pressed again, still under the a

aid was "

"s it? He"s not mad that his p

angement with him. The least he can do

o rank, no family to uphold. I know, to you, that it means something, but to everyone

e?" Cora asked with an incr

he shrugged her shoulders. "What? I don"

yours then?" Co

y ones that coun

ury, you"re living a good life." It was evident now more t

ne who can"t overcome wound and pain? Even in agony, you need to show that the pain doesn"t

s imagined her future husband would defend her integrity if injured, not merely look at it like she was crying over a paper c

ht to Ben. He was relying

good at pulling her in, especially when she didn"t want to be. It w

lind, deaf chicken living among the foxes. She kicked a pebble that veered off into the

s comin

hich is no more than thirty, then Omega and Gamma, where the rest of us live. Gammas have lesser qualities than others. I didn"t smell him coming because I was smelling the vina vine. I should have heard him, though. That

ey could potentially form a comradery that way, two average creatures trying to exist in a world of everyone that was be

de humor to lighten the mood. "Guess

na said, perking up as if this mad

y," Cor

e even gave me the time of his day." Mi

I"d be great at human

would service Ludovic every single night. It helped Cora appreciate

ed more pressu

she tucked the flowers into her waistband. They reached the cobblestone t

y is in, like, two months. I forgot al

lycan by then... "And no, I wasn"t. I should have been, but my father nee

real famil

, y

pack oriented. It"s

raising her index finger to aid the point. Although she

become your

ent, but it just felt too e

as you should have. I got the vine though! Maybe some te

to her aid. She was grateful for Mina.

d wooden sculptures that reminded Cora of something from a picture book she saw on a city once. There were a few lycans there, all staring w

a corner and saw a female in the distanc

faint with the distance. "I w

as hard to miss the tattoo on the front of her neck - a full moon with a crescent moon on either side. She wore thin red fabric over

the way they seemed to be one with the world. "Wilhemina and Cora, how lucky to run into you, or how wonderful our g


at all the new Rs to meet the sovereign Alpha and Luna. If the process has not been started, then they pref

ore?" Cora asked, that bei

r packs. Some have been with their host packs for six months at this point. You w

to smile or be appalled t

not a

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