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Waxing Moon

Chapter 5 The Collateral

Word Count: 1412    |    Released on: 19/01/2022

re more refined and his hair was paler, but his eyes were the same dark brown of Ro

her and placed his

stand at all, or s

a white long-sleeved shirt with leather pants and

at you have to t

one in my family"s rank. You"ll quickly learn that your ignorance won"t suffice for much longe

He created a sens

room. "Ludovic is looking for a mate. He is leaving it up to each of his Beta"s to pull together a female worthy of being his Luna. Our family recently had a fuc

oked up at him with the most incredulou

ergy, lingering in these lands. They respected mother nature, just as we do, and you have that same energy. We would have gotten along with that

ong, as she was half of that lineage. Although that meant so l

od type R. You ar

with a flippant wave of her hand. She

e need to discuss your role. You are going t

ly when I don"t want to?" Cora was breathing heavily now, her eyes swo

y family cannot become rogues, not with the human hunters putting such a heavy prese

t trusting him for a second.

priority is Ludovic,

is mate when I literally cannot speak his language...all the while actively competing against other

e understand

t going toss me into his presence and h

ing around to the Beta homes to see his potential m

fly escaping from the world to let her mind settle before lo

she had never heard before. "By not partaking, you risk your family.

I just

nd I also know where your family lives. If you somehow stammer back to them, you will only find their graves...How

ferent kind of panic at t

e with this on your own. I had to make sure you would.

flash in her mind. He couldn"t be here. "You, no. This is not possi

houlders. "Well,

uted, standin

rupted them, and she looked at the door when it

ce cracking with emotion. Ben. No, please don"t be Ben. Maybe

before looking away, saying as he closed t

ked to Oren with tears in her eyes, her

er get cleaned up

tears. She had to focus. She had to remain calm and think. "How do I even know you have him

window. If he"s here

reathing. She scanned the area until she saw a group of lycans walking. Among them was a smaller individual. "Doesn"t mea

past the house, she saw the child throw something in the air and ca

groan, her face contort

She beat it more, but Oren grabbed her should

nd was placed on her shoulder, and

hot tears welling in her eyes. She"d find a way

"ll enjoy the passion that he is known for, and then Ben gets

me broken glass and cut his heart out, but there was none. She wan

her lips trembling with ranco

ycan the second s

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