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Waxing Moon

Chapter 4 Welcome To Reiger

Word Count: 2721    |    Released on: 19/01/2022

side the Warden territory. The forest stretched as far as she could see, the warm su

to these mountains. They used to be, not now with technology and modern infrastructure being as much o

do it. I could make a run for it. Dogs hunt with scents, right? So then however I outrun a

ocked up. She only had one guard with h

forest, and something in

o her predicament as the female lycan added, "Don"t make me regret giving you fresh air. I

le blonde hair, dark eyebrows, and eyes the color of mud. Her

ing, "We need to go back and bathe you. Our Alpha w

ere, as even she could

elt like an eternity. "I don"t want to go to him," she said, pleading to the only female she had met since arriving. "Please. Surely you have to see how this is" --sh

u will find I don"t do negotia

cares about

us go. You"re wasting our time, which could b

an. Cora had only ever intimate with one man in her entire life, and even though she had done "everything" wi

, knowing her father was relying on her to do every

igure regular food for you over time," Gally said as she entered the attic wh

g in one of the tubs outside, despite this home having three bathrooms. Apparently, the tubs were useless without maintained plumbing. So, the

n hair behind her ear before dropping her hands to her lap. She wor

g for the food. Cora wanted to deny it as a protest, but also

next to Cora, who quickly grabbed for it filled h

e cloth dress and a black pelt over her shoulders, her eyes smoky from makeup

brows, as Gally was not this well dressed onl


ngs to attend

ss like your kind?" Cora asked and shoved the bread in her


e, a quick flash of her brother came to her mind, wondering who

get home

her to at least try and get home. Regret swam in her stomach, dulling the hunger as she wished she would have tried to turn the ho

that. I couldn"t

brown if the eyes of lycans are amber? Roman"s were amber, at least when he was in

happens right before, or right after, a transformation. Roman has brown eyes like mine. And for the second question, I condone my pack doing what it must to survive. We cannot save ever

ot an

our Alpha?" Cora

ight under the full moon." Gally straigh

floor. "I mean," she said, laughing, the stitching of her sanity popping slowly. "Is anyone going t

"It doesn"t truly matter, overall. At least once

open as a piece of buttered

eak Swedish," Ga

link before rep

sorts of cultures over the years, but Swedish has remained the primary language. A heavy portion of our cultu

, not wanting any more of it. "Just. Great," Cora said hotly, hovering

aid, and Cora picked up on the da


brother to Roman and I. He"s the one that commande

t your Alpha wanted me for..." Cora paused, unable t

to remain patient. "Ludovic is unmated, and the Matriarchs want him to mate with an

er as much detail as it could, an uncomfortable awarene

t y

back out the window, her eyes not

time to relax. You meet Oren after th

, her eyes now focusing on the woode

hat he likes it, and he will smell you, touch you, and whatever else he wants. Yo

ng about present

as if they were stuck in a current, like when


ike she wa

rself that she had to remain calm. Cora still needed to run for it, even if

f, however, as she cou

ain, her father, their home, or mother"s grave, rippe

face as her imagination filled with what was to come next. She then asked, "I don"t have to...be intimate with him, do I? I mean, I get it eventua

ther good looking, and easily a prize to anyone. Humans

y, scrunching her nose. "Doe

, "I"d consider it a bonu

nt to have to admit it. She had been avoiding it, in truth. To admit that she wa

the attic. Cora sank to the floor, the tears streaming down her cheeks. She cried

to the point where she was crying just to cry. She wasn"t even th

ly alone and o

do. She was surrounded by strangers, foreign smells, and was probably hundreds of miles from home, if not more. Even if she escaped, where would she go? She

ld to the leader of a group of lycans. No, I

ared at her feet, careful not to touch any broken glass. She couldn"t smell anything, and her eyes were puffy like

pondent since her mother

w groan of the heavy wood

ear pity, but rather a person who was put in

Cora g

thing to make this better?" Ga

g at Gally. She didn"t understand. Gally sounde

he shuffling of glass. "My family"s role has always been to assist in human relations, which is

e be

this shit you"re pulling f

? As a hostage? Who will be turned into a lycan?

nally seemed to settle as she looked at Cora with a corrupt pleasure. "Well, then you won"

ed it with her tongue in an awkward

giving me time to adjust to this," she said with a flat tone

the official ceremony and we

?" Cora asked, barely

ctate. Either we go do

aid dismally and looked ahead

ith the rest of the food, and hotly walked out. Cora could hear her go down th

hat her mother hummed to her all her childhoo

her voice, then Cora could withstand w

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