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The Ceo's Target

The Ceo's Target


Chapter 1 Grandpa's Will

Word Count: 1022    |    Released on: 08/03/2022

inished u

he fifth time. His lean tanned hands unbuckled his s

er than all others. Some big

chains of hotels. They had one in every major city in the world. It was a strange place for a man to choose to update his Will but his gran

but he wouldn’t leave the hotel without progress. The larger

ked the receptionist seated at

ng past the lounge to the back of

at formed the circular lounge area to the main french doors that led to the swimming an

George's car at 14, the man had watched him like a hawk. He’d apologized for

golden tray with a single glass of sparkling white wine on it. George lay on the beach chai

off the tray and took a swing befor

ointed cold look. The one where his grandfather's eyes

ot happy t

to see the devil.

y beloved grandf

the man took a small bow before leaving. M

elvin. “You look too happy. Whose for

at. I’m just ha

“That will be all for now. Be sure to

r.” She

er eyes before picking the files that lay on the small stool at his grandfath

ppen to show up every single time I

sign that there is someth

orted. “I’d believ

lvin clasped his hands together like a little boy who

“And why should I tell you. You can wait

ll take

e you will learn

fawed. “I

thering me about the

ve from the Will. There was no reason for that but he would not take any chances. “I j

I were in your shoes, I

A few wrinkles danced around lose flabby flesh on his hands and stomach but beyond that, the on

ng to cut me off" M

o say I

weeping the ladies in the pool, before turnin

ven’t yo

ch some fun and he hadn't meant to burn down the family’s

individual to host a party there and everyone thought it was his f

my heart is weak.” He

s, until the one he paid, had insisted that there was nothing wrong with him, his acting had got hi

survive without your mon

. Like An

s like a

Act like a responsible man a

oes tha

elvin. I'm not ge

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