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The Ceo's Target

Chapter 8 The Proposal

Word Count: 1281    |    Released on: 17/03/2022

table. And Andrew shoulder’s

her bag. “I

about him. He

e colour as the fiery red

ked around for a waiter. “

on’t know

he had been in the room with Dr. Chupra returning. “If it’s abo

e. “But you already

nsensitive comments


mire him but so wish he would stop

le and took their orders. Sh

freshing face was now fading,

from your old glasses?” He could have ignored it but the

ght green colour of the lens as her

His? Was it right to use tha

am only curious as to why you

idn’t want you to think that I would be inefficient with


heir meal; corn bits with steak and vegetables

k. I’m a sort of agent but I didn’t want you to feel

ink I understand you, Miss Johnson. I often hide my flaws and show the best of myse

to herself. “What kind

the corn was served separately and was harder than your average sweet corn. “My brother needed me at a meeting bec

hardened in the direction that Melvin had walked. She

d him for not saying t

s this way when things don’t go his way. As I had pushed him int

he air as though she was observing it. “It’s one thing for things

ushed him into this mood. Sometimes

ropped her knife “That you would

go to get my pound of flesh. What about y


How many women have

ok her head. “Just

d. “Please, accept my

and I don’t think about them too much.” She to

t with the vegetable. It

hed her face lit up with delight as she chewed.

This is

o the end of his meal, he faced her. “Alright,

OI Penn is proposing that we write a book abou

w s

pany. If media houses know that a CEO of a big company, l

y always try to stick the

nd he smiled, glad that she h

you say and think of it this way

believed what she said. The passion was there on her part but he did not share her passion. “Miss John

dumped a bucket of iced fish over h

them perfectly. I just don’t think it is the right

t more than 1.5% of your marketing budget and it i

nd so co

n dollars on marketing as whole, with climbing marketing cost each year. All we’re ask

late. “I’m impressed at your research but lef

er voice took on a mousy tone. “Thank you for l

transformation but he knew himself how many rejections he faced daily in his bid to keep the Swernbach company afloat and ahead. In his case, a loss in one

sn’t my decisi

on to make?” Melvin's s

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