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The Ceo's Target

Chapter 2 Gwen I

Word Count: 1013    |    Released on: 08/03/2022

of the lounge chairs staring around at the

winning points of the Hotel. There were rocks that led up an

the entrance to small cave- which lead to the back side of the pri

uld praise Andrew for that too. It didn’t mat

otel being too boring to pick up girls at, Andrew wouldn’t have said anything and h

pocket. He picked it up an

m waitin

me a minute.

Come out before any

d with each step, anger filled his blood. What kind of Valet did not know that he liked to keep his car downstai

e on the second floor, beside the designated manager’s car park spot. Of course, they wouldn’t even

his car, jiggling hi

e give you

ur wife.” Gwen t

’t know how she managed to bound her curly locks into a neat bun but each time he saw

rds her, pucke

g him backwards. “Stop it Me

let th

tell your


cked the file off the car bonnet

Sometimes, I wish he’d just die and end

lowed to tell.” She

ome on.” He held her arms. “I won’t tell anyone. I t

lse did

content of his Will better th

word. Besides, all I did today was give him the document to sign and he sealed it righ

nd placed a kiss on the back of her fingers. “Let

She giggled. “Listen, I did hear a couple of things about

?” Melvin cr

from beneath his feet. Like the time his grandfather refused to let him

fil a certain stipulation before

nning his fingers through his hair. “I knew he’d pull somet

arm. “Is that

responsible and he’d think a

kened and her f

staring at her. “W

ng to like this

my heart can’t ta

'm the best person

ed his hands around her

u have to g

His jaw

ristwatch sat dainty-looking. “He mentioned something abo


what I

I c

im shut. He faced the incoming person while Gwen distanc

back to he

onversation Mr. Swernbach. I rea

e wanted to spend more time with her. It coul

ried would not be

e going back to Carter, rig

er dark sunshades from her bag and slipped i

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