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The Ceo's Target

Chapter 6 Dr. Chupra

Word Count: 1316    |    Released on: 17/03/2022

f anyone had told him that he would have found a way to escape from the meeting with Charleston, he would not have be

l room with some chairs, a bed and a t

she have to hold her phone so close to her nose? Her shoulders were still raised high so he didn’t

tiful. Not in the super model kind of way, but with a face that was blessed wi

and saw her pee

you s

have a really

t all I

all I

his phone with messages upon messages. He wasn’t sure

yesight always

’m very stressed and it may get


out them.” She

I should at least know what

s pressed in a straight line. “The lens had gon

s face. “Why didn’t

dule because of

hnson. You were not sure you would meet me

the Swernbach CEO made

very w

know I may not seem grateful enough and I

but, he was grateful to be here by himself. To have a environment free from Melvin’s choking reminders that he was

was nice to have a few minutes where everyone was not quivering in fear of yo

would actually talk to him and not just tell him what he wanted to hear. So

thing good cam

ney. How is that a good

, don’t worr

ncy Swernbach medical needs and the bill for her glasses would fall under that. That policy was something Melvin and their father abused at will. Andrew hadn’t h

n with grey-blond hair entered into the

stepped away from Elaine as

g?” Dr Chupra asked. He

nough to play golf but too sic

ulled a table with some small machines on it cl

’d hate to see Mel

d. “Now, what d

ew glasses and she can probably tell

s before the doctor began an eye test with one of the tiny machines. Elaine

a lot. Don’t you?

ired and sometimes

ed towards Andrew

you wer

et t

left, she might probably be more open with the doctor. He did

be out

nd caught her last f

d head

he picked it and stared a


you leave me alo

to talk ASAP. It

y, his older brother was not in one of those moods. His first call went unanswered and the second. Andrew fro


again if you rea

all and Melvin pick

take down Charleston together. Wh

gainst the wall. “Something

n’s voice. “Is dad

of them. So

He’s dying? He really

Melvin was the true heir of the family. Andrew had tried to make himself useful so

not someon

ner at five at


can’t be more important than I am. I’m family.”

e contact lens for now but her glasses would be r

Elaine lay on the large orange chair

he doctor asked me

you say to a late lunch or early dinner? W

o doubt that if her eyes were open, her

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