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The Ceo's Target

Chapter 9 Grandpa's Conditions

Word Count: 1022    |    Released on: 17/03/2022

ick wooden door with iron bars clicked behind him. Above him the light bulbs

brother recognize his place in the family or did Andrew

im and then choose Andrew? So, what if the boy brought in a few trillion dollars each year. It wasn’t a huge feat. With enough time, Melvin felt

was his brother begging him to return to the

” Gwen’s refined voice came through the phon

e guard. In a lot of ways, she was his life guard. Without her, his grandfa

hate when you

s his closest confidant but he had never revealed to her the secret about his h

ers flew at his ears.

y to pour out the stars of the sky at your feet.” If

keep wondering why you didn’t take up the creat

he toilet cubicles to be sure that he was really alone. “I’ll take an ex

of sigh that never f

s it? T

I was able to peek at the new Wil

r walking and then the sharp sound of c

ave a gir

. “What kind of q

rlfriend? Someone you are in

ve to do with my g

tion for you to inherit would have s

t liking where this

ther expects you to settle down an

is hair. “That can’t be possibl

expects you to-- and these are his words not mine--

e can’t

qualifies you as an heir but you will only receive your

ized his face. His grandfather wanted him to ge


is only 4 months away. How am I supposed t

tter st

ide of his nose twitch again. “But what

r that means no Bimbos.

ll the good wome

t. She has to be a good woman from a respectabl

ink. “You can’t expect me t

find attractive about your grandmother? Find som

cried. “The only

poken about

e water push his spittle away, just as he would like to pus

u just focus on gettin

ow a knot in his throat. Can’t I just ma

stick a ring on her finger and get her pregnant by tomorrow.” Gwen’s voice soften

Since he and Gwen had started going steady, in the weird way that w

wanted was the one o

Maybe Andrew could help him with this predica

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