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Alpha's Rogue

Chapter 3 His Mate

Word Count: 895    |    Released on: 06/04/2022


s in my arms. I can'

rders at my pack, ca

n my arms. I didn't even know her name. She had said that my

angled my eyes to my mate so luke

Kyle did, she k


ack docto

turned to see a sho

hat's wron

I nodded and set her down on the floor. He

id pointing a

can see her human form." I nodd

just above her hips. Her skin soft and tan. Her lips full. Her cheeks colored a beautiful ligh



at her

over her shoulder. Carefully I took the bow off her and then


. It's stuck

When I pushed her back, I mus

of her now!" I yelled

silver out. I looked at her

e pack hospital

d we laid her in it. I sat in th

gel. I didn't mean to do this


ven know y

ling with pain as our ma



the back of my mind,

and we brought her

tubes. I watched the heart monitor. The line was moving

heard a buzzing sound th

her heart back to life. Slowly it started up again, the line

m, they put a hospital gown on her and put all her stuff in a cor


never let

ing here? Then the memories of yesterday came flowing back i

ing down my face as I t

her name my wolf

o her bed. Slowly I sat do

. . Please if you can hear me, forgi

t how stup

stupid. She's a rogue. I can't have a rogue f

er your mate so it would be lik

hat was a

eet voice of my mate. I inhaled her sent, she smelled like

e is Iv

een open because she

r, Alpha of the

rrior of the su

her. She was a a great warrior, alw

stare at me like

uestion tankin

head and blushed, hope




ute when

already lo

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