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Alpha's Rogue

Chapter 4 Blush

Word Count: 939    |    Released on: 06/04/2022


You're cute wh

ate, smiling. He is the enemy. He killed Jared. It was his fault. But for s

fault wasn'

how hard the fact is to face—We can't lie to ou

gan to sit up, pushing my self up with my ha


into his


se ge

is face l

out I need

wolf whimpered knowi

nt—" I add

t out side and I'll

looking hap

hospital gown. Then I slid my legs into my morph suit and pulled it up

covered up with an extra layer so i

shoulder and put th

to go bu


to the door, pushing


ot wanting to hea

are you

ess and guilt sinking to the bott

ady d

look at him. Hi


want I can take you to his grav

hrough my hair. I shifted, and looked at my

good bye to him the


om me and led me deeper into the w

and back here and let

ful for my mate


like Jared's wolf stood over a grave of stones with flowers intertw

e you up a tree. I'm sorry for the mate you will never meet and the pups you will never see. I'm sorry that I'm not up there running with you. But most of all, I'm sorry that my mate is the alpha of the pack who murdered you. But Jared, he saved me. He made your grave. He took care of m

o Cole. He nodded at me and l

there, I felt someth



walk, alone? I

, he looked reluctant

ny thing happ


p at the sky, the sun was slowly creeping beyond the cliff line. Turning the sky a light pink orange color. The moon was rising,


rowled, baring my fangs at the rogue. I watched his head bob up twice but it was to late to do anything. Two wolves attacked my back and one put a bag over my black head. The bag sm

I fell to the ground with a thump, my he

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