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Alpha's Rogue

Chapter 7 Your Luna

Word Count: 1159    |    Released on: 06/04/2022


and a gold tie. My brown hair shimmered with the amount of gel luke and I had put

!" Luke slapped my

bbing the ba

You're not he one warring

t rolled

t to the side. And he got to ware

your sist

ll a pain

u know you

all as apples or oranges being better or as big to draw out a fight. I loved them though. They were like my own family. J

red him, just like I did with every rogue i met.

was pretty sure Liah as making he

me become alpha. He had filled in after my parents until I could shift. Ever since

y?" Turning

r call me


to strangl

for you from your future

red mate was a sore subject. Luke immediately shut up and si

e. That was wrong of

ooked up. Punch

and let your mate lay her eye


er with." I growle

or Ivy. Then I saw her. Her black raven hair tied up in a bun, a gold bow sparkling on the side. Her dress looked like wave

st I wasn't the o

et her

s hand grip

lly that's a

one doesn't know who

turned to see Ivy and Liah. I walked over to them, the stupid gold tie around my neck itching to

ful." My voice b

head, her nos

a gold mine e

"You look g

ok. . .

in, someone teased m

racking. Frustrated, I g

y across my shoulder. Sparks

But like really what



a coughing laugh, or a laugh that is to quite. It was a beautiful smooth, silky laugh tha

nothing seemed to go right. Nothing went my way.

er everybo

g me back to

th a flick of his wrist. I stood and

I am grateful to lead you and hope that you are glad I am your alpha. Many of you helped me out after my parents died. I wan

ods of thanks to John and penny. There eyes shown

led by the same rogues hand. I had set out to fill the hole in my heart, a hole

y pack cheered at the though

t from this day forward, Jared will be remembered for not only his bravery, but his sacrifice he made saving my mate. He had made her hide, while he fought my pack. Some of

d on her as she made her way up to me. When she reached

nk y

noting h

to my pack

d everyb

in mine and rais


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