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Alpha's Rogue

Chapter 6 Encounter

Word Count: 1080    |    Released on: 06/04/2022


led my parents and my sister." I look

ar cross his iced eyes. His right hand, that was protectively rapped around me, was

In fact I believe it was his father—" He pointed a long boney fi

ome alpha of this pack

ong!" luke hissed, te

e power and confidence he always had,

pack to rip you and that lit

d. "Not so f

id ge

ot when I have

s wolf insane? It was fi

rowled. Every one looked at me. I

shifted into his silver wolf and lashed his tail. He turned and walked out of the field. His wolves

id I just say our pack

breath on my ear. Slowly, I wiggled out of the grip and turned to face my mate. He look

white wolf of my mate. Grinning, I ran down to the road, jumping across and through the streets. People turned to stare at me. No humans. I ran around a c

back and pulled me up to his chest. I placed one hand

pressing a moan that was creeping out of my throat. He pulled away from my neck, crashing his lips to mine. I felt sparks fly all around us,


d our moment. She had light blond hair, big lips, a small nose, a

le , he was cl

you want


ked. Feeling her blond

meet you." I could already tell she h

Cole was turning red with anger.

e." She instantly stop

d I smirked. Sh

barked i

d your bitch—I mean nice mate." I look

ess. She instantly shrunk back, eyes wide with fear. She turned, and ran around the cor

his arm aro

to your room, you are me

I com

here future Luna,

rew my hands

have anythi

n car

ly have to

my head

come here so I

Quickly, she brushed my wavy ha

gleaming with hope. I c

sighed, my hope flu

my hair and draped it over the back of the round thing on my head. Quickly she put


e of my body. white gloves came up to my elbow, and black flats that didn't show under the helm of my dress. My eyelashes sparkled with the gold mascara Liah

cascading down her brown hair. Her eyes sparkled with

voice pulled me aw

This was going to

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