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The Billionaire's Audition

The Billionaire's Audition


Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1007    |    Released on: 04/06/2022

Adrian who was staring at his laptop as

?" He asked when he

find a wife

a wife?" He chuckle carry

do" he sigh in frustration. He has been tryin

sit him. He actually called for him. He knew they

ier who are married and not just married but wit

he wouldn't listen. He keeps acting like the fat

showed him love, yes always find

g, maybe that was one of the re

miserable but it was just a dream. The more he worke

he let him say whatever he wants. But th

ut he actually has a point, after his ex lef

. He sigh as he rub his temples, w

udition? What are you talking about? I'm no

ed to keep them close so that you will

need five to ten girls, it's going to last for a week or

preparations" he said more l


s he felt like all hope is lost.

r life is really the worst. If an award is to be giving to the p

y is everything like this!" She yell

assing by. At least she's save from those

a twenty two year old girl. She grew up with h

them to eat but she never returned. Bein

trong you are, finishing high school was

dn't pay some fees and put food o

alking into a bar. "I will definitely eat dinner, I ju

artender we have to celebrate"

ther guy who looked like the richest

ell as he opened a bottle of champagne

lass with Adrian. He just smiled and drank a sip f

ly a great achievement. He is getting r

s stopping him from expanding

thought you won't be able to handle th

dle any living thing including a pu**y" another gu

ves mountain" Nick stated with

s hand around his shoulder." Excuse me"

stared at his reflection in the mirror and

I am doing great and I will do many more great

up to other people expectations.

d out of the restroom. Someone, a

and he could tell she's d

his heart raced for that second, it was so

lady uttered and

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