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The hate I feel for you

Chapter 2 The plan

Word Count: 1589    |    Released on: 18/07/2022


rust me I would t hold any grudge against you

ister ever asked of me, I let her d

h this revenge against rowan. I mean wouldn't We be st

ma but unfortunate

, she cut me out of her life but that

, how she lashes out at everyone, and not

egments of her life but how can I do that w

ecision and come perform please" my ears twitc

voices in the living room sound like

ever was speaking. It was Oscar, violet's personal photographer. He was speak

n. I have never seen violet this rude. This past couple o

to sing at the opening of his new house. Wo

e violet behave like this. Especially not to poor Oscar. "Violet p

offer please" Violet seemed surprised b


so that it can get the media of your break-up story" aside from that, I really

d abortive not until an idea niggled at

ybe I was really letting my guilt feeling intercedes for me. I'm tired of seeing my sister breaking dow

. Browse sprung up, her green eyes emitting

a bright smile walked to her face


se to let y

hink you

y you

o you

d to cr

if you ev



ls don't

t's not just the melody but the lyrics that make me see a girl who had dashed out the 'fuck

s making fame

e reading the commen

you'll get bored of it. Pfff" violet scoffed pla

lines from her song. I didn't hear her enter the first t

You are all over the place. I'm so so proud of you" I gave her a bone-crushi

t gone to that show, you wouldn't be in limelight and definitely would still be sucking somewhere for that brute. Now he will know, he doesn't worth your tears a

ere giving me a skeptical look. I was going to ask her what it

for us to discuss yours" it didn't ta


mumbled, swal

e club? You know Rowan is a sucker for clubs so there's no easy place to hook him up than a club. And I was thinking too you'll have t


te! Remember what I say about h

judice against the lower class. I mean he'd never dated any girl who

advantage. You just have to dress sultry, meet him in a club, and boom!"

my mouth, chewing it as I dw

nce bright face cr

e backing out" Hmm! We

... whatever. I've made a promise to violet. I

just sound lik

bewilderment. "I mean since Rowan's best place t

g is this. Since Rowan meets his girls in clubs it'll only be natural for him to see me as the rest of the girls and easily dump me b


a suggestion,

antic drama huh? Like that pervert of a male lead who thinks he's every woman's dream until he meets this female lead

nstead of throwing myself at him, I'll let my grooming to that

gets in my pant, he'll slowly get tangled in the ropes of love then I'll play alon

l not only break up with him, I'll humiliat

every word I said. I was ignorant of the cuts my fingers has done

up with such a magnificent plot on just short notice?" I didn't

romance movies and books for

" she bubbled but suddenly frowned "But

t I was goi


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