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The hate I feel for you

Chapter 4 Meeting Rowan

Word Count: 1853    |    Released on: 18/07/2022

n P.

y lungs and I felt instant rage crawli

re her but then my grandmother's

you'd be forced to step down a

digging holes through the flesh of my p

ut that instantly flushed down the drain the moment I'd wa

braced myself for hearing more of her ranting about my inability to seal t

y But you don't have to look any longer." That

use this time around, she'd be resuming work today" At

wrong with gettin

the same time, I would rather drown than have a 'she' playing the s

ld Arlo last week that I needed a male secretary of which I know I would get one soon. Thanks, grandmother anyways for your

ou have a new Secretary already" she sounded

on me, I know it's the family's business but I'm

her resume, she's experienced and will add to th

ne but it was rare to hear me yelling at my grandmother but I did and I mea

ale secretaries but IF YOU DARE FIRE HER, you'd BE

ell on my grandmother's threat but the more I try, the more

and for the most part, I'd have seconds to decide so accepting a female secret

ry and winning my grandmother over but I'll make her realize it and

ce and have your damn seat" I gritted m

smile which I would trade my net worth

don't even want anything to do with her, I mean for her to be here looking for a secretary post denotes she's some


exceptions for it or even more th

lding, it's as if it was faded into the sky. Aside from his gigantic nature, both

ll rank horizo

cept mum's but I could swear no oth

s the best paintings so she fairly deserves the Top

Rowan Hugo in the direction of a receptionist. I'd stood at that door battling with a whale of emotions that centers on fighting the f

ard the very voice of th

ving and I was too absorbed with my emotions

n nabbed by myriads of cobs. I've battled with living with Amnesia, but then my greates

he lust in his eyes gave me a sense of satisfaction; He was already falling for the plan. but that fe

fore. No, not on paper but in real life. This whole mo

sn't easy. I definitely couldn't have met this brute before and he didn't wast

you're called, can

ely asking me to seat down. "

m on a mission and I can't let Anger or hatred ruin things for me. Rowan's shaved lids

bowed and thankfully my voic

atched them away from me in disgust. I watched, more

in and flung the papers somewher

should be thanking his gods those

stuffs. which I gave befitting answers, I didn't waste time in dish

how his face harde

, this commoner is about to bring you down. It wasn't hard

ou must be ready to work. I have a set of rules which you must

you to follow me immediately te

hout a second thought" Of course I wouldn't risk failing yo

s s

e everything I need and be here ten minutes earlier" he threw bunches o


suits and the majority were men. Goosebumps dotted every part of my body as all eyes went in my direction

for him to give orders before they sat. Pfff! Some God! Pulling out the c

ne's eyes including mine turn to face him but


business here is to take a record of any important stuff said here" I

young and got the char

at's a bit impossible? I mean

next statement pieced through

s. Arlo" The meeting commenced while I'v

I've never st

a jellyfish while battling with files upon files on a standing. After the tortur

rds can't even describe just how much I hate him now. I felt like mutilating that defined face of hi

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