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The hate I feel for you

Chapter 10 Bringing him down

Word Count: 1925    |    Released on: 18/07/2022


d in my head. Mixed

owan for good. And anger, because of the way he spoke to me. His cup was almost filled anyway. I wasn't so sure o

from his eyes and were directed at me. Pure hatred. If looks could kill, I would be very dead by now. I s

him out of my life for good. I heard him suck in a breath, getting ready to speak again. "Lazy, incompetent, disg

ved in the attempted death threat on my life. You are very lucky to be walking around. Strut

used to it all, none of his words co

ve this world as a nobody!" That was n


was clenched and his normally styled to perfection hair was out of place and scattered like h

ct st

had no idea of what I was going to do when I got to him but I had a

ke a sack of potatoes. But I would have a few setbacks. One, he was going to hit me with mo

toe. That would hurt really bad but it would not even come close to the hurt that he put violet through. He totally deserved it. And I wore pumps. I didn't want him commenting on my footwear again since that sneaker incident. There were still other options, I could knee h

fleshy and the sound of meat against meat made a loud and sharp sound. The sound reverberated in the room and possibly through my office and down the hallway too. A slap was less painful than a head butt or a stomp

o talk but I did not care for any words that might spew out of his mouth, threatening me and stuffs like that. I turned and walked away from him. My back was straight, shou

sad too, I had just blown violet's plan at revenge. Violet would not feel the happiness I felt when I slapped him. I packed my mac book lap

ed in our garage, I didn't park properly but I don't really care about that now. What was in my mind was how I was going to face Violet and what I was going to tell her

he wasn't watching instead she was concentrated on her phone. She seemed to be sending

g to meet me with her arms wide. "What's up?

n the biggest concert in California." Then she shook her head and said, "but enough of me, why are you home

y couldn’t have the g

a. "You look deathly pale. Do would want a drink?" I nodded. S


chatter from the TV. I picked the remote control and pressed

two glasses of whiskey. "So tell me, what's wrong? What happened at work?" I

rink again before I continued. "and you wouldn't believe it but that monster of a boss I work for ac

g that she wouldn't buy the lie. But she di

ybe it is because he got scared you got something contagious like influenza... or c

"... are coming with me to California. Here, I'll text Oscar to save another

"And then we'll go on a tour, scouri

gala this week has to offer..

to see her happy and happier to see our conversation had dr


apped by a good for nothing low life slut! I took in deep breaths and tried to calm myself the way my aerobic and gymnastics teacher had taught me when I was still a kid. I closed my eyes and sucked i

o the floor. I got up and walked the length of his office. I still felt the sli

cost me about 5 thousand grand to get it, but money was least in my problem right now. I kicked out at the papers on the floor and sent them flying, my

adrigal Hugo and her threat to relieve me of my position an

groaned out loud and loosened my tie. I had to call her and tell

no way that bitch was getting away with slap

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