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The hate I feel for you

Chapter 8 Something mysterious about my Secretary

Word Count: 2006    |    Released on: 18/07/2022


ieve that someone actually tried to k

ad no clue of the implications that would amount as a result of my working for Rowan. It's not

I've never met any man that is as flaky, conceited, and obnoxious as Rowan. Sometimes I just wish he could fir

le migraine throbbing in my head. Just seeing him and hearing his fucking name has bombs exploding within me and I

ked one of the files and flipped through the pages, my eyes perusing and scanning its contents. I stood up

uneasy stares I got from some of my work colleagues as I passed them by in a bid to get to Rowan's office. Some of them had this s

was thoroughly and utterly tired of working here. As I approached Rowan's office, I could decipher inaudible yellings making thei

r worker over the phone as his voice was the only voice

t back at me. I slowly opened t

possible tone whilst maintaining a fac

g you irresponsible lady?!" he sp

ven be polite? I guess etiquette is too much to exp

u to sign and also remind you of your me

else. For your sake I hope you haven't planted some sort of bomb in these f

. I would never

ang up from his seat with an

robably starve to death. If you don't sit up and become responsible, I swear I'll deal with you in the worst po


I gave a slow dip of my head. "I'll b

me. I simply turned and walked away, my fist clenching and my blood boiling. His insults

* *

t. Having to deal with Rowan's incessant nagging and overbea

of his Godforsaken company. Now away from his toxic clutches, I could get a breath of fresh air. The laughter emanating f

glances at my surroundings. I was at a pedicurist with violet. Honestly, I didn't want to go but violet insisted it

y at me as she wiggled

y tips" I praised her. It was the truth. Violet was a glam girl. She knew the latest f

et?" Violet asked with curious bro

feel s

so it could ease you a bit. You haven't had time for you

t her slightly embarrassed. "It will be worth it in the end

wo women; a blonde and red-haired, walked in,

their loud intrusion whilst facing violet. "I

Why don't we try our luck? You kn

on hearing the cente

d. In a fluid motion, violet had her features seethed in anger and she c

with pictures of her and Rowan. One would even think their relationship

he knew the relationship wouldn't even last. And it thoroughly serves her right!" The red-haired concurred as they giggled together.

dare you!" She yelled at both of them. They had their brows furrowed

e fuck up and don't play dumb. How dare you talk shit about m

ng onlookers as a fairly large group o

't true?" The red-haired rh

for-nothing women that can't help but gossip about other individuals who are better than them" I stood up for vio

't even stand a chance of being picked or even admired by Rowan. You aren't among his class of women. Yes, I posted pictures of I and Rowan and so what? I never tried deceiving the media. I enjoyed m

ajar at Violet, tong

and negativity" violet scornfully concluded before gripping

* * *

tched as skimpily dressed women swarm around, some dancing seductively on the various poles sprouting out from different podiums situated in the club filling the air with the stenc

ious about that woman that I just couldn't pinpoint. Was it how respectful and tac

ut pure distaste? Fuck. I just couldn't point it out but there wa

take it anymore. "Rowan damn where is your mind at?" Arlo's voice cut into

an my new secretary is driving me nuts" "Really?"

ving her in my bed. She had an hourglass figure which was extremely seducing. I never really got to pay at

e. Lessen up a bit" Arlo suggested.

him. "And after we drink why don't we have f

" Arlo laughed at my statemen

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