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The hate I feel for you

Chapter 5 I hate his eyes on me

Word Count: 1911    |    Released on: 18/07/2022


Arts G

le waiting for an elevator, I gla

otten off the elevator when I saw him approaching, and before you

verything went rigid, b

, well maybe it's a natural fear of being caught b

only pulled back to the moment as

ing before me, hand

, my boobs which were vividly poking out from th

eople who dress slutty but cuss this first stage of the mi

the lustful fantasies his ugly eyes were emitting and unconsciously my

ould be happy. at least the plan is working already, it won't take too long for him to jump into the trap t

k the smirk trying to corner my lip while I

gh at his childish effort t

I brought my phone to my face, and

off and next, he brought out his phone from his right

de photo of a certain model which he used as his wall, I almost huffed however I

says 7.30

to my time." He stashed the


and bringing me to the realization that I was just like an ant compared to

staring right in his eyes "I'm

t..." once again his eyes ran sacked my

f. I know I've practically groomed as a slut which i

when he's shamelessly lusting over me a while a

or your remarks" his harsh

d words with me, your boss." I sighed and before I

towards it. If eyes could kill rowan would be burned alive right n

as soon as I stepped in, he dinged the elevat

floor, I waited for him to get off first before following suit and I was having a hard tim

e everyone in this office cubicle had stopped doi

all an extra hand." He said and stepped a few paces awa

r an hour. Send her whatever errand you don't f

ed and my

interns do? Did Rowan just fvcking red

?? A full fv

ern for a whole hour??" I asked, looking at him, disb

, he walked past me and as he disappeared thro

our l

tally tired from the hard work I was made to do for an entire

the landline started ringing. I picked the call, not knowing who it was

heard him say just before the line went flat. I was tired, but there was absolutely nothing I coul

are my

sir?" I ask

etary! Where are my fvcking files??!" Rowan

oking for to be able to find them,

t the file I asked you to keep on my desk yesterday after t

e to drop any file on his desk, and ce

I'd remember because I was very furious ye

to find them, if not..." He paused, m

tand, sir.

y eyes as he left his office and I

does he think

hing? I searched every possible place I could for the m

r and as I turned to see who it was, The person didn't wait for a response as the do

up to his elbows and his brown air was pointing in all dire

ide mechanic. As he neared me, I recognized those dark eyes. He was the one who h

ed me with a smile w

el co

cated his smile "

nds towards me and I shoo

e” I smil

he'd seen an Angel. Well, this is the first time we

t file." I touch my te


o have given them to me yesterday, but I know he didn't. Now, I'm stuck with sear

d a load of files in his left hand to my view and swears that was wh

eary with gratitude. "Thank

r w

possession, you don't know how

al hours

and walked into the building with a frown on my face. I met Violet seate

's your face so pale?." She asked

s. This revenge plan is takin

ng to be easy, and I'm sure you knew it wasn't go

isn't enticing enough to tame him, then try to make some moves." I frowned

our feet. Use it to charm Rowan's heart and give him a massive heartbreak, let him know how that feels." Venom dripped in

ce already that this whole revenge shit isn't as

tab Rowan's ugly heart alread

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