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The Knights Revenge

The Knights Revenge

Author: Ms.M

Chapter 1 .

Word Count: 2716    |    Released on: 22/08/2022



d extraordinary. If this was the Beta, I could

own, if not, I was

nted to shift but I couldn’t, I could end up hurting the others

aws, digging them into his flesh and ending this. One out of three

rawberries and green tea. I looked around and my eyes locked with the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I let go o

could think, roling of my tounge, lette

pposed to

up, D

y were strong, much stronger than I was, luckily I was prote

tasha, she was working with the Knights and my instructi

uld protect me

ing of another wolf from our side, they had all be

at was clawing at her and d

e on your team…He

s my

word, the letters just slipped

. Out of all people, my mate was the last I would bring into this mess. As I looked at her, those blue eyes struck me dee

s no way. The simplicity of the

ever break

led her away from the batt

ded p

one was watching. When I look

ted out. And just then, just li

ly and crossed her

eyebrow and

but if you did you would

bborn and defiant as I took in every detail of her face. Something

r Knight

I cut her off, my eyes

t? The Alphas siste

s upon the werewolves, a mate, a soulmate. But how is this a gift? The woman meant to be my mate

lative turned me i


sapproval and I inter

w what

rs arms fell to her side a

k m


ch had been right after the war. She said she had to leave, but that

needed her. She was my mate, it was

he slightest bit of disrespect. It was a great fear of mine, the outing of me wanting to be with a woman. I wond

n guys, it was always on girls. One girl at the school I went to

as most girls in our packs fou

ng for my mate. Besides, I was the ’future’ Alphas sister and the current Alph

y secret

lied within me, I didn't feel as though I could be hones


er, I wanted to be with her and since we weren't marked, I

nd in you brain from all the over-thinking,”

by your side," He grinned a

I squinted, another thou

, the alpha and his Luna. And th

outed and got

me, her face wrinkled

me busy until Malia shows up.” I said and al

sit here without my mate by my side, the tiniest th

emony before she get’s to the

es growing and ideas sw

the Luna ceremony, oh it w

her hands in the air a

nd pulled her b

d her eyes

e said, looking ab

r, can't we at least live that d

ll it a party again,” I

the Alpha. Until you've done that, you’re not real

that,” Avery sa

mate was missing and only the goddess kn

or it or not, she was getting a Lun

?” She said with one raised

at her innoce

heart, no

e from his mate. He cleared his throat and pretended li

hour," Avery whined and

d decorations. We hadn't even gotten to the event planing yet or

ng to the pack, this is where you will be ti

ed to a cringed expression and her nose scrunched up. I shoo

here by his side through all of it and you need to be respected while doing so. Until you've been initiated, you won't really be

held her h

ack, Amber. I saw the way she looked at you, she won't be gone for long.” I tried

ered a small smile and looked back on the table where everything laid. ”But I need this, and so

me with a pout. She nodded her head and got up

ous model of a dress with a slim waist and long trunk. The fa

agining it on Avery, it would be perfect. The fabric w

looked at each other with bored expressions, hearin

ve,” Avery sa

hours,” he said and wal

re of the dress along with the fabric. I suppressed a la

looked up at Avery. Avery sc

the dress



dress, so, no,” he said and flashed her a smile. But the darkness in his e

e bed and placed her

at podium and you, the alpha, announces me as the Luna. And then, we

shrieked as I c

smug as he gripped the small of Av

keep you to

e, you both


m walking in with a girl on his arm. He found my eyes and I gave him a s

nd his mate, a blonde-haired girl named Myra. She was caring and sweet, I had talked to her on a few occasions an

ire dining area as she stormed up to me and grabbed my hand. He

w about you don’t make my pack deaf

yes and locked h

Lydias eyes were narrowed as she looked at me. There was a smile o

e eat

n and the hairs rising on m

ced a kiss on James’s cheek. He grip

luctantly let go as his eyes

when she had dragged me to a

ation about Malia,” my ears perked up and I

her cousin. Her cousin is the new re


” I growled at Lydias rudeness

ousin, nobody knows where sh

olled her eyes and her impatience

arently comes from the very first vampire king in

eventually continued, concer

es the K

rms over my chest. Lydia slowly shook

looking for revenge ever since. Raven is the only one that sti

asked her, eager to know what sh

is the perfect way to start.” My body st

they’ll com

and so does my mother. But she said that we should s

put a face on and carry on w

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