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The Knights Revenge

Chapter 9 .

Word Count: 2038    |    Released on: 22/08/2022



ke my nana, d

warriors prepare for battle and listeni

losed my eyes. I had a migraine growi

na ceremony. I knew she wasn't too stoked about that

ppiness. I wanted her to be genuinely happy about this

ew that she wasn't like th

e had never heard about Alphas or Lunas o

ll overwhe

brid werewolf-witch, fighting a war and

ll here, I coul

as fearless. She was a Luna

hting?” I heard one of t

efocused on what was ha

ly, facing me wi

d and stepped u

ightly, his hand shakin

ying his rebelliousness against the

circle me.

other. They looked rea

s drop. When I noticed that nobody mo

I roared making

ing me and Hanson- the

ee your very

of the guys took his shot and jumped me from behind. I quickly turned and g

ground, groanin

e close enough before I stepped back and grabbed one of the guys by the

d, I lifted him up by his thr

getting up. And one of them would

and fac

before slowly turning h

” I ask

. All warriors had stopped their

veryone had given us t

ons heart beating erratically and h

r. He had only started to train with them thi

bowed down and he went down on his knee in a slow motion. Only w

else here. Next time the urge to question my authorit


kull and then placed back in. My insides were twisting and my entire body fe

es but I couldn’t. I couldn't bring myself too l

d once



ng was

me started to form. Unlike the forest I had once

y foot pushed do

ays been a favorite thing of mine. Winters, when I would wake up and se

to be played on. A Child's wonderland was surrounding me. My wonderland. All around me w

g from the trees and the

whoever lived in those houses. But the

t,” I jumped from the v

e,” I

ofy smile that was forming on my face. I

to move. I ran up to her, throwing my arm

with a gasp and horror in my eye

nd stretched her arms,

I felt

ones eased and the stabbing pain in

I whispered as I lean

ody and mind being healed and

.” She said as she pulled back. A good thing she did

ength. You need to practice. You need t

already in sync with her?

ere perfectly synced. I

red a

uch more than your ordinary wolf. She is as extraordinary as her human. Get to k

ed on he

to kn

t know yet. Things about Xena tha

y wol

o will find out together

ad minds. I scoffed

llion different places all at once. I need

etting t

tepped towards one of the houses. It was a small wi

d. Selene clasped her hands in front o

ask. But the question had been on m

, a small-sad- smile

death upon the creatures that could roam as they pleased. Jealousy wears many faces, Avery. They were vampires, they had to st

flew out of my mout


n we, as cursed as the

began to shift when the night came. Many years after that, they gained more control and could choose if they wanted to

ice too only shift when they pleased. My family was dying so

t the snow-covered

e pack that lived here, lived in peace. They kept to themselves. Their clo

herish, is foolish. So many had already been killed before the Knights made it here. Among the vampires, was a little girl. She had followed her family and was about to- unknowin

e Knights manage to st

ay snow from a broken wind

rise. It gained its color and grew to its size, the leaves puffed

alling. Waiting for the Knights to arrive.

sing echoed through this small village, leaving everyone paralyzed. They didn't know what to do, they weren't prepared for an ambush. The little girl ran out on the field, she too was cry

him. The little girl laid there, barely breathing as her life was being pulled away from her,” Selene stopped. She turned around and

ticing how I wasn't brea

ened to the girl?” I yell

g for answers. I needed them. And as always, t

life back,” with that, Selene disappeared right before my e

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