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The Knights Revenge

Chapter 3 .

Word Count: 1359    |    Released on: 22/08/2022

ild?” Carlos asked her a

r si

milies have or what happened in the past. If she can be

he study and stopped i

journal-looking one with

in handy,” he said and


for you but I cannot dive into history. Some t

” Amber defended, s

speakable marks on a person and sometimes on many. Things

her wolf begging to come out. Carlo

would ac

she’s a girl?

looked down on his feet b

ooked at some of the pack members. I hoped that you would find you mate one d

o can n

a step to

out that,” she seethe


nd me and I guessed we were leaving my car behind. I looked behind me and saw my silver

pped the anti and shifted the momen

rned my head to Lydia who was

cking amongst the trees and pushing our paw

hell is s


ter, stronger and a lot bigger than most wolves, but Amber was an

earing the Sliv


ion and anger with every move and every turn. She dug her claw

pack, but that doesn't mean they wi

e sh

and we

of wind encircling us. I looked to my side and

onfusion but knew I

the wind kept her wolf un

y from the border and gua

t thinking

ne in a challenging glare. Her teeth we

I thought as I


I looked into her

hing her chest out before finall

” She asked

can never be together?” I dropped my hands to my sides, allowin

eve them.” I said as

ide her and gr

together. We just need to find out the t

run out. I hadn't practiced my magic much since

ueezed my hand. I let out a small l

said and looked up at he

t beside us and both me

ll naked and have no car,” she pointed out. Both

h a forgiving expressi

don't want to die to

ome here and get us without mak


me naked but she’s right. We don


to your dad,” Ly

will see us naked. They want to keep my identity se


ad all torn our clothes to shreds. She came

I groaned as I saw the aw

and cursed myself whil

e said. His voic

lling to check on what you

fact that you left Carlos pack a

too,” I b

. You guys need anyt

ayed for a fast dea

s maybe,” I

nt silent.

growled a

you n

me.” His voic

I squea

m my ear and looked at

d my phone in my bag and presse

ad?” Ambe

o problem at all and that we should do this

ssed.” I

any second. There hadn't gone more than thirty minut

f submitted earlie

f. You have this natural ’leader’ aura and it’s

a ceremony,” Amber pitched i

ing as you haven't had your ceremonial initiation to the pack, you're not the Luna. I may be able to restrain my wolf, who lo

Lydia and Amber were both shaking, indicating that it

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