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The Knights Revenge

Chapter 7 .

Word Count: 1972    |    Released on: 22/08/2022


was in the shower and however hard I tried to keep my thoughts un-blurred,

the God I call mate, standing with only a

n my throat and licked m

d was a

to have h

making me wet and begging for more b

a punishment and i

he smelt my arousal, his

where he stood. I fisted his hair with my han

s I placed soft kiss

hair, taking a tight grip

ed into his beautiful eyes, in wh

eek before he gripped my wrist a

cked me up and pressed m

ur lesson?” He asked

d quickly, need

s. James' hands started roaming before successfully landing on my chest. My legs were

moved my pants.?His hands moved faster than they ever h

er my neck as a low

sked him. My voice sounded s

nt to, but I c

ed by him for a long time, I wanted to be wit

s blurred away as soon as h

ince from the slight pain. He went slowly at first before picking u

as I was close to

’t,” he said a

had a smirk plastered on t

to god-”

got to the bed. He tossed me down and climbed over me,

He said playfully and without warning he

up the pace. Once I had calmed down and the pain was subsiding,

moaned as he went

der with each move. Just as I was about to come, James leaned down and locked our l


his body pressed down on mine a

” he said as he looke

I could never explain with something


rabbed the back of the book and tossed it into a wall. I

ge, trying to find a single clue as to

very asked me as she stepp

hen down at the journa

reading the page that had

voice held the pity and sadness t

ing. NOTHING!” I slammed my hand onto the wall

you need to calm yo

k a few deep breaths, wi

y asked me. Her finger

bout a

g some altercation with the vampires.” Avery looked at me dumbfounded. As though her patienc

at an altercati

my shoulders and shook my head, o

werewolves. Those, as far as I know,

he journal from her hands a

y good people lost their lives and many more will be doomed because of this. Sometimes the truth is better to

he answers we need,” I sa

ak but before I got the

lips were pressed against mine and the thought

said she

ghtly and I knew she wa

r hand and took a step back. As if someone ha

” I


very ask

t, but my family won't let me be away for much

but I understood that there were some

just a few more d

ressure her or get her in trouble but neither did I want to be away from her. Then I remembered the journal, I needed

t?” Malia

turned, someone who has answers.” I said and took a few steps closer to m

I said. Malia smiled, her smile reaching her eyes and showing nothing but love. She pulled me in,


d to do or what we had t

asked me. He was worried, I could te

” I said and wrappe

with you,”

how hard can it be?” They all rose a brow when I mentioned the m

and tossed the

,” I said to

yone one last time bef

e, call,” Malia said, the wo

ome with me. But if word got around that she and I knew each other, let a

o everyone before driving away. Ready to f


through the gates and disappea

and it looked as though she

n her arm and her

,” I kept my voic

mile that seemed more f

here was nothing more we could

and Malia out to the w

her when we were deep enough into the wo

r face but also a slight hint

stion, I thought that maybe we could

red and looked bet

t to hurt yo

nd grabbed


but she was still wary

when you shift,

the goal is just to kill. It’

id that for now,” I said jokingl

in the woods with us, she can be a real

a few seconds, I had shifted and Xena was in charge.

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