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The Knights Revenge

Chapter 8 .

Word Count: 1723    |    Released on: 22/08/2022

ything I had eve

low upon turning or when their wolves

bowing slightly. She was standing in a fig

utiful dark-grey wolf with white paw

it looked like they were fighting for control. I

ighting your wolf, you mus

er head went down. When it came ba

ked to have, for the first time, gained complete control over herself. She star

nally and Xena

around, darting t

, I couldn't quite understand what she meant when she said she didn't ha

g back to where w

flew. Xena was faster than a normal werewol

arted baring her teeth playfully and Xena joined in. After what I believed to be an

ch forming on her hind leg but

s, playfully nipping and growling, u

w the blood

and her canines were bared in an aggressive manner. M

t out a low growl. Before she could make a move, Xena maneuvered and turned us aro

ias wolf fought for dominan

, trying to get Mal

o vain. Malia was pushed back,

to work

s neck, making her whimpe

e company,” L

of us could make another move,

for the second wolf tha

et, snarling at the rog

on his back as she jumped ov

ck but he wa

ave my back. Lydia was fighting of another two rogues wh

d as she did, she let out a fierce howl

re too

help is

r too man

ood what

es, covering herself with her arms. Her eyes darted around and her body was shaking. I wante

. As he fell, she bit down on his neck, kee



anding on my knees, my le

and the rest of the r

yelled. I looked back at her

it’s time you learned the trut

d us and as I swung my hands, b

them like knives. I felt my eyes growin

ss were flying around us, ca

r way, Avery, ju



he winds to get harder, I co

new they were being hurt but I couldn't

rley heard amongst the wind and whimperin

were about to fall, five wolves jumped into the foggy mist I had created and


hile Jason and the warriors took care of the re

the brown-furred rogue as I ripped his head off. I continued with the other t

had gotten everyone before I

rneath her and carried

lex asked as he

orts and Jason handed out c

c,” I said, my voice holding a certain edge, mak

I could to get Avery back. It didn't matter who it was, no shirtles

st time I held Avery like this, walking almo

rier up in Averys head, she had coll

agic in a safe way. If ever she was to us

my side and saw Alex lo

wed as his eyes went

own I saw what

d took a few deep breat


e hadn't

d thought, we wi


ed and tucked her in befor

to my brother who

ese rogue attacks?” He seethed as h

hundred scenarios of what may be causing this

ked by these flee baring dogs every day.” Alex snapped. His hands flew u

ces seem to fit, we had been having a few calm days after the wa

?” I asked my brother as my brow

and turned

lders and wore a bor

when this started?” I

” and then it hit him. His ey

” he wh

said. I walked around the desk a

hair as a simple thought c

at war is co

facing yet another

It was when Crow decided to come for her. Right before he had, rogu

r that they were a

said, making

y arms over my chest, intrigu

vampires. They're bringing

esk and sat down, m

fucking good one,” I said and loo

gave me a stiff nod and in a sinc

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