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Taming the ruthless Hybrid

Chapter 2 : The Witch

Word Count: 2928    |    Released on: 22/08/2022

rang for recess. "No homework for today. I want you al

ng homework that she took a second to understand him properly. "At leas

the cafeteria, being extra careful n

ht sight of her. "You got here lat

ed in your Prince Charming to worry about me," she replied. "I

y be a regular human be

n the table but she was too tired to eat

. I just don't have the e

you? Eat up!" she ordered. The girl's redh

in that position for a while: Emily holding h

big baby," Emily joked aft

are what I am right now,

ch today?" she said with a questioning tone at the end. "Wi

ut. "It should. If I can go through mornings on an

mily said. "Did you notice that this o

a asked in an

, it

t just looks that way,"

t up and eat. Lunch break will soon be over,"

force. I just want to sleep a little bit," sh

nd angrily shoved the sandwich in her mouth. S

ace of mind now?" s

laughed at the deadly glare her friend was giving her. Left with no choice, Ariana began to tell her how her morning classes went and what happened in them. "I don

umbled on the floor as she laughed a

tch," Ariana

hough," Emily said with bright

more sane people,

y though, did Richie and his friends see you today? I noticed that you purposely left them

ape so she just spilled the beans so as to get the matter over wi

did not want you to get a bad i

what he did? Sweets, you should know the spectators in this school by now," she said. "They were passing the story f

e past. We need to focus on how I won't

he look she gave Ariana, the girl actually had to check and

e me like that, sh

not stop?" Emily asked. "In fact, once he fully realizes that you are the p

riends away from me," she said. "At this point, I honestly do not give one or

tement. Surely, it had not gotten to tha


bilated i

ng. She was quick

ke, but please make it soon," she said quietly and her eyes were pleading. A

t friend would be waiting for her. She just needed to drop some of the things in her bag and run out of that cursed building. To her surprise

tightly. She sighed in instant defeat. "Did you re

e to get away from your bad

a swollen shade of purple. The school nurse must have done her best to patch him up. If she wasn't terrified, Ariana would

she asked. Larry punched her side as soon as those words were out of her mouth. Ri

to say to hi

rry," she

in?" Richie asked, with his fa

n't," she

led from behind him. Richie briefly removed

t you can never learn your lesson, all of you," he said, glancing at Ariana as he said the la

up some morale. "You just started going here bro. If I

a bunch of useless people," he said. "Now, I'm going to give you a few seconds to

nds were tied. It was either he obeyed this new boy or risked having Stanley go i

e the damn girl alone or you will have me to deal with." To dri

eye as she knelt down to attend to her coughing to her coughing friend. "You know, you shoul

a. "You don't have to do all this, Emily. You of all people should know that I

u. After all, it helps us bond

have a house and parents who are definitely goi

e for an hour after school," she reminded her. "You worry too much, an

Emily asked as she took a s

of my throat are still ahea

rom beside the table. "

"You know that I hate anything that answers t

ht now. I can't make you some onion soup right now

s girl sitting opposite her, that tea's lifespan would have ended in the sink

ith the taste, young lady. You just want to be o

ack is this?!"

I am down with a cold," she replied. "It's either your tas

r with a bang. "To hell with it," sh

. "That might be my parents calling.

her, life would be hell. "They gave me permission to stay the night with yo

ed the other girl gather up the cup and

eyes became heavy. The two friends fell asle

wo things: either it was completely empty or her daughter was sleeping. When she remembered her daughter, the woman bre

tsteps coming down the stairs. "Oh, hey Mrs Mann. Welcome back home," Em

ng, dear?" Arian

ied. "I don't want her to stay hungry while I cook so I thought I might as well

it would really help," she said, unconsciously biting her lower lip when she remembered that she still bore

Ariana's mom said to herself then decided to check on her daughter after

ned when she saw her mother in her room. That was an obvious bad side. Seeing the friction between

of her daughter's bed. "Ho

ame here? To ask me how I am

specially her mom - were always too busy to spare her a glance. The last time the woman came into her room was when she wanted to inform her that her pet rabbit was dead. The ti

you, doesn't she?" the woman starte

ped, "Yes, Emily indeed does try for me,

own and put her hands between her thighs. "Nneom

ng scream. "What happened?" she asked Mrs Mann wh

her. "Please get out,"


said quietly as a sin

s she kicked around with her blanket. "You refused to listen to me

r her face. "Don't you dare open that filthy mouth of yours!"

tarted throwing things at her mother. The woman did not try to leave the room because she knew the girl was only going to follow her downstairs. She just tried to dodge as many objects as she could. "I hope you are hap

ying that," Emily said as tears fell out of her eyes. Ariana held he

r from the usual color. Her eyes turned grey.

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