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Taming the ruthless Hybrid

Taming the ruthless Hybrid


Chapter 1 : The Three Best Friends

Word Count: 2081    |    Released on: 22/08/2022

e, just let me be," she begged. One of the boys smirked and kneed her in the gut. She clutched her stomach in severe

anley said, mocking her and making crying fac

will dare to come to your rescue," Richie said as he l

from behind them. The three boys turned to see the intru

him with a loud hiss. Who was he

nched his face real hard. The girl moved away j

e could lift a fist and land a blow on this newcomer, the intruder had already sent a series of punches flying to his face. With two of

lost in the beauty of his handsomeness. Her savior was a tall blonde boy who had the most beautiful sapphire eyes s

your bag," her t

a glance, he said, "

hat morning. Without him, she would be on her way to the girls' toilet to cry her heart out. With this

classmates. Her first class was Biology. Ariana increased her pace when she remembered that she

ispered to herself but was fast to find a seat at the back of the class,

asked as her friend took a seat besid

subject? I just didn't have the energy for it at first but now, I think I am s

an arts student. You do not take Biology because of the department you are in," she replied. "Can you just tell me what you're here

do better than this. Why let them treat you like trash?" Her friend was really worried about her. Ariana had been bullied from the moment she stepped f

u in my Biology class? Don't you have Languages now?" she asked, calmly changi

uld already see where this story was headed. "They said he was seen coming in the direction of this classroom. So I said, why don't I get

shoot your shot," Ariana said, s

girl gri

," she

ll audience waiting to meet this new boy. For some reason, her mind already had a

full to the brim with students he had never seen there before. He shook his head wit

and began to tick the names of the actual Biology students who were present. He sat down and counted to five. Just at the count of five, the doorknob turned. "This s

ing…" the

ndon?" the man s

boy said with a look o

a warm smile. "Please take a seat. I needed you to get here before I start

attention?" he said in his quiet manner. Ariana's ears perked up. She already had her notebook on her desk and a pen in hand. When t

d I can guarantee you that it is none of my business," he started. "What is my business is you disrupting my class. You came here to se

and will not turn you kids to the authorities for skipping your various classes but please do not make me regret this," he continued. "Admire

gave an assignment to those who were listening. "I want you all to do a study on the xylem and parenchyma. You will write two page notes on e

She rolled her eyes and nudged the smitten Emily beside her. "Are you

s round of bullying has taken its toll on your eyes, your brain. In fact, everything." Emily's words made her friend remember her encounter with this boy in the

ot up from her seat. "Emily, I think you have Literature next. Please, I be

le so I would not even be able to tell his next class," she said. "Pl

he Biology classroom. "Don't say that abo

d like a football and it's not like she's trying to help herself or something,"

that you teacher's weight does not define her? She

re that the old hag is looking for!" she said in such a dramatic way that her friend was fo

na said with a bright smile. Her

ana does in a Chemistry class," Emily said. "And igno

ld be fine,"

y teacher, who was already seated as usual. He nodded when she greeted him. "Are you

nonchalant shrug. Life would be better if they did not show but

e almost complete. "I hear we have an exchange student this year, where is he?" the te

d to rectify something concerning his regist

after the class?" he muttered. To the rest of the class, he said, "We will

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