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Taming the ruthless Hybrid

Chapter 4 : The Counselor's Office

Word Count: 989    |    Released on: 22/08/2022

na groaned as she glanced at the bl

your problem," Emily replied. They were in the car she borrowed from her dad. Sh

o go and waste time, energy and money there," Ariana sa

hy don't you get comfy and get ready to see the counselor?" Emily said. Ariana g

d as she tried to think of the kind of qu

ought to herself. When will Emily und

ing to this therapist f

te said. "We are going there for you to come to terms with yourself and she wi

t my other self? Do you actually think that I will go there and tell that lady

e and spill out all the secrets that

going there?"

otions," the other girl said. Gradually, Ariana's mind was able to wrap around what exactly her friend w

man behind the pink glasses said when they

riana said wit

oked at Emily and said, "You must be Emi

," the othe

ars. Ariana, tell me the problem," th

t there are some guys at my school who b

the blonde lady sa

e, make me do stuff for them and just gener

hroat. "Have you ever considered defyi

stiffly. "I've actua

happened when you did? And how did

king down. "One of them was in the hospital for al

I think I understand the problem now," she said softly. "You don't want that incident to occ

nt to lose control. They help me ke

chair. "Darling, I need to tell you

her face. "What do you

rol. You can do something about it without having to let these boys treat you however they

age girl said, finally d

practice every day for the next two weeks, alright?" she said as she tore out a sheet of paper from her

e list. "What does exercise have to do with this?" Ariana asked w

or said to her. "I did list out the

hat does not answer my ques

d please endeavor to write in a journal every night," she said to Ariana. "Just write anything

his is all too muc

will help you feel better," she said. "Well, that will

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