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Taming the ruthless Hybrid

Chapter 5 : That Monster

Word Count: 1060    |    Released on: 22/08/2022

. Charlotte pressed forward, wondering what was go

from to the ladies bathroom. Opening th

ir. No pupils. Pale white

her, like she had seen a clown. "Ariana? What-

't you happy now?" she asked the woman. There was an echo in h

, take my hand,

name Elsy," she hisse

She cleared her throat. "Alright…Elsy.

ion of boredom on her face. "Really?"

a's mother hissed as she dodged

py when you see me. Is this how to welcom

ced to retrain you," Mrs Mann said as she continu

ut from her ears and nostrils. "I. Said. My. Name.

he had had enough. In a split second, she looked exactly like the transformed Ar

last chance to stop this mad

tter to herself. Left with no choice, Ch

held her head. "It was just a dream," she

hat the hell?! Today is Monday?" she

er and she rushed out again. While brushing her hair, Ariana stared into the mirror carefully. For a reason unknown to her, she con

frustrated. "You keep saying that you don't want to be in my body and that you will only a


e I'll have to just count on my hair to look pres

when she got there. "Ariana, how are you?" he

breakfast with me," she replied as she sat down, dr

her parents. "The usual," she muttered as she str

your presence at this table?" she asked them after eating. "If you actually just wanted to

led. "Your mother and I would like to have a sh

" she r

Saturday," he started. Her feet ran cold at his words but nevertheless, she paid attention to what h

. "Is there a way to hasten this speech? I have

take too much of your t

waited for her father to fin

generally," he said. "You know that it was this kind of outburst that made us move away

no one gets to find out about your true na

es of my life listening to you," she started. "First of all, mom and dad, I am trying to control these powers but the

t about who to blam

s. Maybe if you actually listened instead of running your mouth, we wouldn't be having this conversatio

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