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Taming the ruthless Hybrid

Chapter 8 : The New Kid in School

Word Count: 1048    |    Released on: 22/08/2022

g kidding me?"

n said as he advanced towards them.

us? Are you now her bodyguard

bothering the girl. Do you seek superiority so much that you will also crave

," Richi

n nobody orders me around," Brandon said. The other two boys barely got away from him.

r should I stay and thank him for standing up for me?' she asked herse

ous wave. Brandon was panting a

? You want me to beat y

ust wanted t

thank me, I'd advise that you at least stay out of troubl

e." She went running to her class, leaving him


els said sweetly when her son came

aid grumpily and took a

t have annoyed you today.

of homework to do," he replied. Indeed, he came home with more homewor

s way to his room. "Hey Brandon. Welcome back," Alex sa

whenever I come home?" Brandon groaned

. "Last I checked brother, it's not your eyes that I'm using to watch TV," the twelve ye

ng me this time?" he muttered to himself. He checked the caller ID and smile

with smiles as he

e you moved to that new place?" her

t try to make the first step then?" he asked her playfully. He we

g up. He stayed staring at the ceiling for a short wh

he homework can't do its


tchen. "Go and call your brother.

you call him, mom? You know he hate

other down for dinner," she said, not bothering

ear the loud music coming from the room. "How is he not deaf yet?" Alex asked himself. He knocked on th

hen he saw the rat face of his brother. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" he yell

dy," Alex retorted. "Like, who even wants to be in here anyway?" In a secon

oys got there, the table was already set. "Mom, you cou

eir mother replied as she took her seat. They sat down after her, each

t told me anything about your new school sin

verything is going well actually," he started. "I tried out for a competition today and got selected." He smiled to himself

"What's wrong, Sweetheart? Don't you like your food?" she asked him.

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