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Chapter 3 Sam was caught spying

Word Count: 1006    |    Released on: 23/09/2022

om, dad you'll never believe what happened? I was at the mall and tried buying this beautiful new Chanel bag, but my card was declined. I told the retail clerk she was an

ooks like when she doesn't get her way. Probably has make-up running down her face running tracks with her large crocodile tears she can sprout in an instant. Her face mus

home sick the last few days remember. I haven't gone anywhere to spend it. And shopping online? I'm not that low class to order something I can't guarantee is an original design. Ugh, the thought I could accidentally order something every poor person could get. I think I'm going to be sick," Melinda lays her outrage at commoners on thickly. She's been so spoiled

the president is in a better position than him and he can't risk upsetting him right now. "Oh really," the president says. "I guess either the lawyer didn't tell you or you didn't believe it when he did. The Archer estate is under audit. Everything is frozen until the results are out. All the cards connected to the Archer funds are frozen

t the law school. I don't know what he can or can't do. If I need an opinion about the legality of something I need to do, I call a lawyer. Why don't you try that instead of asking me," the president says before hanging up.

nothing. His family will never agree to marry below his station. Fix this. Fix it now," she wails while stomping her feet. "Take it easy baby. It's all just a misunderstanding. The lawyer probably didn't know that card wasn'

da is old enough to remember the time before her family became rich, Clarissa grew up only knowing wealth and teaching Sam his place. She wouldn't ever call him her brother. He's nothing to her but a servant to torment as she pleases. Upon hearing her yelling at Sam, Melinda gets happy. She h

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