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Chapter 9 Learn about Sam

Word Count: 1018    |    Released on: 30/09/2022

bed and hooking him up to the heart monitor. When she sees the nurse preparing to clean Sam up, she volunteers to do it herself. She didn't get the chance to really look at the man she saved, o

lly. His black hair is peeking out the bandages. She gives the tufts a gentle touch to see how they fe

used to doing hard labor. She's too shy to lift his gown to wash his chest and stomach, because a certain area of a man will be uncovered as well. Sophia blushes at the thought, even though she's used to

him up, when her stomach let's out a growl. Sophia realized she hasn't eaten all day. She planned to after her run in the woods, but got caught up in rescuing him instead. She hopes Anthony is still around to go get her some food. She leaves Sam's ward to

ses?" he asks her first. Sophia tried to think of what she knows. "They've been number 1 on Forbes 500 for last 3 years. They're into electronics, hotels, restaurants, real estate, and finance. The CEO is lauded as a business gen

ght Annabelle was an only child. There has been a lot of speculation that the current CEO is the owner now," Sophia is trying to understand. She was only 3 when the Archer family all died in accidents. Though she doesn't remember them specifically,

fety. Gerome died of a heart attack about a year after the baby was born, but made a new will the day Annabelle found she was pregnant. Seems he didn't trust his new son in law very much, because the entire estate was given to his grandson,

estate. The joke was on him, though. Annabelle changed her will the same day her dad did. Her share plus Gerome's share were all left to a 3 year old boy. Father had to backpedal and keep the kid alive after that, otherwise the estate

world, fine dining. All spent by Douglas, Tracy, and their 2 girls. Sam was never seen with any o

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