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Chapter 4 If he dies, oh well

Word Count: 1002    |    Released on: 24/09/2022

he left side of his face was already red and swollen. Melinda's humiliation wasn't relieved enough yet, so she slapped him again. This time he reacted and slapped her back. "Who the hell

ted to furiously yell at Sam. "You have a lot of nerve to complain about how you're treated. If not for us, you would have been se

ad heard everything from the kitchen. He had to get him under control before it was too late. "You little mother killing bastard. How dare you turn against us just because you think you're somebody now. Melinda and Clarissa deserve that money way more than you. They didn't kill their own mother for a toy, did they? They're girls and deserve to live

with it. Again and again till he stops moving. Tracy and Doug look at her in shock. Even they were surprised about the level of viciousness Melinda just displayed. "He never should have gotten my way," she looked at her parents. "Because of him, I was laughed at today. Because of him, I might lose Ethan.

family in the city. There's no one who could hurt them. Why would someone care about a mangy servant to attack their family for him? Even though she spends the money, she never bothered to learn anything about where it came from. There's no way Sam could caus

am to roll him over. His chest isn't moving. Doug checks for a pulse. There is a faint one. "We have to send him to the hospital. None of us want to earn a spot in prison right now. Call 911 now," Doug is starti

nt to travel," Tracy is still thinking logically, even if it's for selfish reasons. "Take him to woods and bury him. Melinda, your good with makeup. Make yourself to look like Sam. Clarissa call this card and see if it's frozen," Tracy hands her a card that has Sam Archer printed on it. Doug is still in shock after hearing

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