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Chapter 6 Meeting Sophia

Word Count: 1027    |    Released on: 26/09/2022

se. The wolf finally understands why it's smelling that smell. Everyone says a true mate will smell like your favorite thing. The

ssic sense. But she's not ugly either. She wouldn't stand out in a crowd, but she wouldn't be overlooked either. The woman reaches for a pack tied to her ankle. She pulls out a Tshirt and sho

r sitting up and snapping to his assistant. "What's wrong, Sophia," the man asks. "What do you need?" She proceeds to tell him about the 2 men dropping off a body that isn't fully dead. She decides to tell her father something tha

kay, listen carefully. My men are on the way, but it will take a little while. If he's your mate, then he has a dormant shifter gene. If you want to save him, you will have to do something against your beliefs. You have to

still alive is because his wolf gene is trying to stay alive. If you don't activate it, he will die. I have no ones else in the area to do it. It's all up to y

t wrist then his right. She'll save the neck for last. Fortunately he's wearing sweats instead of jeans, so she won't have to risk breaking his leg biting through the tough material. She finds the femoral artery and bites just hard enough to break through the skin. When she tast

from today on will disappear. Only any scars made before today will remain. Even then they could fade over time. Sophia watches as the makeshift bandages begin to soak up the boy's blood. She picks up her phone see that her father never hung up. "It's done, daddy. His heartbeat is bar

ext to the trail. It's where the men came through. Follow their scent to me," Sophia yells. Soon, a large man with blonde hair and

icks up Sam's body and strides back to the car. The wolf looks at Sophia and mind links her. "What do you require of my, my lady," he asks. "The men didn't go any fur

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