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Chapter 5 Plot to hide a murder

Word Count: 1009    |    Released on: 25/09/2022

or leave it for the beasts, I don't care. Just get rid of it," Tracy says, displaying no remorse for what has happened. The look of stepping in shit is very ob

her husband. "I'll go meet with the new lawyer. I'll tell him the same thing. Maybe knowing Sam will need access the money to travel will get him to unfreeze the accounts. As long as everyone believes he's alive and well, everything will be fine." Tracy looks around for her younger daughter. "Where's Clarissa?" she asks. "I'm in the ki

hasn't moved from his position by Sam. He felt that someone needed to care that a life was lost today. When the guards brought over a blanket to wrap Sam's body in, he offers to do it instead. It's the last thing he can do for his only son.

t Tracy could be so cruel, even in his death. Doug gets up to go shower and change like his wife suggested. He has to follow her suggestions if he wants his favorite daughters to continue to live as t

ely to save it. Clarissa was soo distraught about hitting it with her car," she lays it on thick. 'If no one knows, no one can let it slip,' she thinks. The maids scurry to fol

or manual labor," the first guard says. "Maybe not, but Mr. Winters is the one who pays us anyway," the second guard says. The argument lasts all the way to the woods. Once they arrive, they r

dump Sam. The silky ears are still as they listen to the men talking about randomly leaving something there. The green eyes watch the men drop a large object and turn to leave. The nose can pick up the smell of blood, not just on the two men, but a l

a faint, sweet smell. Almost like apple pie. It's one of the wolf's favorite things to eat. It gets closer to the bundle and sees it's something wrapped in a blanket. It grabs a corner of the bl

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