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The Last Moon ( Book One - He Could Be The One)

The Last Moon ( Book One - He Could Be The One)


Chapter 1 Sypnosis

Word Count: 509    |    Released on: 24/02/2023

y did I sign those documents? Why did I decide t

is formerly friendly voice, which had grown icy, lingered in my

do wrong? Was my love insufficie

s slowly vanishing into the depths of the

n't supposed to be. And, why is my handsome husband crying? Don'

ie I can't live without

gs, miscommunications and fights. I wanted to live. I wanted to earse all the lethal


ut alive out of those walls to ever t

pposed to be fated for eternity, James. Where did it al

age to save her father from going bankrupt and at the same time save herself from being discovered by

r 300 million dollars was actually treating her like his real wife. She thoug

as complet

to bow his head down in front of anyon

as hap

r's N

y reading this book as much as

ith each one of you here wantin

pe you guys correct me. I am always looking forward to your suggestions if yo

nue making this ride a warm, cozy one with you and me



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