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The girl next Door.

Chapter 5 : Mia

Word Count: 1137    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

ulus together last semester and often compared notes. Even though Landon is a football player, I don't hold

o cup overflowing with beer. "You look

more than that,

ttraction ignites in my blood. It's yet another reminder that you can't help who you're drawn t

ing to see you h

ne think I'

image needs a l

d the house next doo

. "I forgot. Still...this doesn'

rgies generally aren't, but Alyssa

-naked bodies filling it. He flicks a humor-filled gaze at me. "Looks like

Colton's arms. And my orgy-o-meter has reached its limit. I need Alyssa to wrap up this lit

lips and frown when I find it empty. I tip it further

ut his hand. "Pass it over,

mean? Total

eliciousness. Tonight the alcohol is going down surpris

and narrow. I've done my best to shine in school and on the tennis court, hoping it would be enough to help my par

se. Since my parents are away for the weekend with Beck's, I do

ht, it's ki


'll be attending Wesley University, which is an hour away. A lot of people from high

this family together. The guy who hit Brianna didn't just steal her from us, he also stole our happiness. He sent us spinning through the universe on a differe

s a

ssing thoughts away

at Wesley, so we'll be ro

lse will be

g on him. It's been this way ever since seventh grade when

o, I can't seem to

ay so I could finally get over this stupid infatuation, but he shot that to hell when he committed to Wesley.

on Beck, I lift my glass, surpr

, feeling ple

y of these have

l calculation that seems

ow is the more I drink, th

ently, it's everyone's favorite song as well because the entire party throws their hands in the

a nice guy. It's too bad he and Alyssa never got together. They would

, guess who else c


her decision has nothing to do w

has never bothered to give her the time of day until this party. Not that I want to be a De

ree in dance and open her own studio. She was accepted at severa

can wrap my lips around a response,

lounger. His hair is damp from his dip in the pool.

shirt on so I ca

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