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The girl next Door.

Chapter 4 : Mia

Word Count: 1708    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

to discover that she's clawed her way to the front of the pack. Who

a real game-ch

is the same as ours. The space around the pool is gated with a black-iron fence and tall arborvitae that spear into the dark night sky. Toward the back o

, a deep voice cuts through t

who decided to make a ca

knowing exactl


w on his hips, showing off the cut lines of his abdomen before disappearing beneath the waistband. T

ord in that sen

not one of thos

wasn't my idea. I was

tter things to do than hang around

ot me

my lips. Before I can take a sip, he snatches the drink from my fingers and b

go to my hips. "What

, his muscles ripple, and attraction bursts t

nken mob that surrounds us. It's not even eleven, and already people are passed out on loungers. "Look around, dude, everyone is

now his answer is specifica

And good girls don't drink. I wouldn't want the society to

tion that had flared to life so qui

ntinues to do it. Beck loves nothing better than to crawl under my skin. He


est. "And you are not my keeper. I can drink if I want to." In a haughty voice, I r

stead of retreating, I stand my grou

trace a path down the center of my chest, lingering in the valley between my breasts. "

louds my better judgment. Instead of pushi

crashes down on me, and I bat

e proven his point. "A goo

h before I can rein them back in. To be clear, they are a tota

his bare chest. "Sweetheart, I'd love nothing better than to test that th

lk down the school hallway without finding trouble. The same one who can't be left alone in his o

es in every se

up the charm, I'd be toast. He's capable of melting the panties right off a girl with one well-aimed look. I've seen it ha

until his fingers settle under my chin, lifting it so I'm fo

say that will hurt me."

around us until it only encompasses Beck. My breath gets clogged in my lungs and burns

am I

s to do anything other than stare in

voice booms over the rowdine

ng heartbeats, and I almost wonder if he'll ignore her. But she's persistent and cont

my body sags with relief. Or maybe it's disappointment. I

ppened if we hadn'


er, there's an undercurrent of attraction that hums beneath the surface. No other guy has ever

the imagination. Once she has Beck's full attention, she reaches around and unties the strings that hold the tiny triangles in place. The material

rls ditch their tops, fol

ght enters his eyes as he jerks his dark head toward the pool. Water s


nds up in a what can you do gest

atory. "Doesn't loo

t going t

et that stop you from mingling with your guests. Ava's waiting." Topless. From

Even when that option includes watching a bunch of topless girls I've known since elementary school. I don't check out the guys loitering in the

snaps to his. "Sure I can't p

I shake

long way to prove that you're not the

d dives headfirst into the water. I catch a glimp

nside me until I'm nearly choking on them. It's th

of a plush cushion. I glance around for Alyssa, hoping she's given up on Colton so we can head home. It


face wit


can't leave her here alone. God o

my eyes tight and prepar

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