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The girl next Door.

Chapter 9 : Mia

Word Count: 2541    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

king it impossible to stay submerged in my cocoon. With a groan, I turn away fro

s str

through to the surface. My fingers stroke over something warm as my brain processes what I'm


e. A muscled arm is thrown over his face, preventi

nd escapes f

d I ever suspect I'd wake

's a blur of images. It takes a moment for them to coalesce until, on

th Alyssa

's p

unger and talki


I ended up

ason, I don

rain at an alarming pace. Landon was not only ki

ly how much

el like I've been hit over t

g the state I'm waking up in, he should have done it

ulder, carrying me through the party, an

.were people ac

horror o

on, I squeeze my eyes tightly shut and attem

y," comes a gruff voice




oo well. It haunts my nightm

I ended up

in embar

If anyone should be complaining, it's me.

loving every moment of my self-inflicted torment. As much as I don't want to notice how ridiculously hot h

n the conversation now pla

, just like

nto my cheek

st touching. "Yeah, you do. But I didn't min

leaks fro

ch I re

ht. And I'd slept...okay. Better than


tably made when alcohol consumption is involved. It's mu

..did we




pened. Silence rains down on us, and my heart constricts before pounding i

miss perfect, your vi

finite smirk

o him, searching h

ld he s

idea I'm

erson I want knowing my personal business. The teasing would be

eyes crinkle at the

n my body fill

hat without givin

ng him more handsome than he already is

esist the urge. It's so unfair. No one should look this good at the butt crack of dawn. The guy could grace the cover of a men'

nce is ans

ther choice I have is to li

he cat out of th

they feel like they might rol

ly combing over our conversatio

e with Beck. Even if I'd been completely shitfaced, I wouldn't have

ver my lips. "You had to think about it, which tells me you are, indeed, pure as the driven snow."


ms against his chest and push with every ounce of my

something you should

lking about it bef


our face turni

l right? There! I said it!"


e impo

s. "Not

tion against me, and that's exactly what he's doing. Thank God we're no longer in high schoo

riousness fills his eyes. "That's t


lls me over until I'm stretched out on top of him. My b

y m

his irises. "I know better than anyone what it's like when people ma

ever shared. As if all the bullshit has fallen away, and I'm catching a rare glimpse

ntelligent people I know, Mia. If I made you feel like you wer

timacy grows

of." His voice drops lower, becoming de

rmth that slowly spre

he question, I'm more afraid of n

my tongue darts out to smudge my lips. A

ck remains perfectly still, his hands cuppin

. "Maybe I want to be the

and the world aroun

ection slides against me. Sensation explodes in my core befo

from my lips, fill

ers before repea

lip to keep the so

mutters thickly, "

head of his cock butts up against my entrance. It's gently that he prods the openin

over me. He's only stroked me a few times, but already my

hat fee

ction we're creating is the most amazing sensation I've ever felt. My thong is soaked. It doesn't

? I've fantasized about it too many times to count. I've to

pace. I arch, needing more contact a

so much,"

ks his boxers down so his cock can spring free before pulling my thong to the side. My

u like

olds himself rigid, only an inch penetrating my heat. Bu

ch for the confines of my body. I want to drown in it and never come up for air again. No one has ever touched

ondom," he grits between clenched tee

of his hard length buried inside my body. The urge to t


ats as if he do

trying to get him to slide deeper. Whe

you s

what I want more than anything is Beck inside me, fil

d toward his nightstand. He yanks open the sl

e holds a thin packet in his

wareness. I don't think I've ever f

ip as indecision fli

immy out of my thong befo

re are no more questions as he tears the boxers from his body

y c

I'm no aficionado on dick size,

sheathing himself with latex. "I

the T-shirt over my head. It

It seems strange that we're about to have sex. But there's no one else I could imagine doing this with. It's alway

second t

ke my

idity. It's almost as if he's afraid I

aneuvers himself between them, strokin

o fucking

ather shut as he squeezes them. And then he's back to stroking over my body again. Touchi

aze settles on mine.

. As I open my mouth to voice my concerns, he lowers himself and swipes

es my clit, and sensation gathers, building like a storm inside me until it becomes almost too much

his eyes as a smug smile lifts his lips. I'm too dazed to care. As far a

s back and forth. With each thrust, he slides inside my body. I groan as pleasure spirals ins

ht?" He pauses.

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