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The girl next Door.

Chapter 7 : Mia

Word Count: 1420    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

ve a choice in the matter. The

his guy th

eek when he says, "We can do this the ha

s that e

ng to break free. "Let go! I'm leaving, a

rd way

k of potatoes. I don't realize his intentions until my midsection lands against him, momentarily knocking the air from my lungs, and stunni

air hits the back of my thighs and I groan, remembering my choice in unde


moving toward the French doors that lead inside the house. "What the hell are you doing wearing a skirt this short?" Before I

tion," I growl

onna h

wking crowd. I squirm at the feel of his palm resting against my naked flesh. Especially there. I'm not sure which option is more preferable.

Stay still." His voice turns low and grumbly. It does funny t

and chat as if carrying a girl over his shoulder is perfectly normal be

one," a deep v

of the house. My hair swings around my face like a dark curtain, making it impossible to see. I should probably be thankful. I've never been so mortified i

or. My name reverberates through the crowd like a wave. Whispers a

ling. Thank God I won't see most of these people again.

the sound of flesh striking flesh echoe

" I

e it hurt." Amusement

es through my backside. No one has ever struck my ass before. Not my p

city of

, just fel


w he's taking me to his room. Beck and Ari's bedrooms are on one side of the spacious second floor while their

it's worth a shot. "I'll agree to stay the

heart. You'll be

my fists against the wide expanse of his back. "Yo

that lucky," he chuckles. "Maybe if



t. We both know tha


if I were dying of thirst in the desert,

ne of those for the night. If there's

e taken. A few friends might crash.


kin. I'm on to his games. He's probably doing it since his parents asked me to keep an


ing this party. It was a mistake. No good deed goes unpun

oving it open. It only takes two steps before we're crossing over the thre

h h

ir hits my newly warmed flesh, making me even more aware of the way he had been touching me. His large hands wrap around my hip

frozen in place, unsure what to do now that he's brought me here. Whe

s hap

tly, how do I

eavy feelings of attract

me. With one look, they've broken free and are simmering at the surface. A

he would do with that

at the

he fairer sex. I've witnessed firsthand the trail of

ons flood through my brain, but not a single one leaves my mouth. It's a relief when he turns away and relinquishes my gaze. I shake my head to clear it as he pulls

find another guy as sexy as I do Beck. I really hope so

efore slamming the drawer shut

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