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The girl next Door.

Chapter 8 : Mia

Word Count: 1663    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

ed up than seconds ago. Even though I figh

as a way to escape the situation. In two swift steps, Beck is back to invading my space. He to

staring at me like

whisper, tryi

hosts over my lips. All I want is to close my eyes and l

one and yet hate them at the sa

erested in hanging up

crashes over me, m

w I'm star

in ways I've only dreamed ab


is energy and sense of humor have fascinated me. I'm drawn to the way he doesn't give a damn. My fingers itch to tunnel throug


I would never-under any cir

ow tempted

ow much he

doesn't have the attention span to stick with anything other than footbal

he steps away and presses something soft into my hands.

the bathroom attached t

than I suspected because for some reason,

turns sharp, "but

s his words echo t

ng covering you," he contin

have I gotte

my gaze darts to the bedroom door. If I run

d physically stop me

it, Stanbury. You sleepi

rritated that he can r

fore sliding the lock into place. From the other side of the door, his amused chuckle assaults my ears. With sha

n my face. Then I strip off the tank top, skirt, and sandals. With my bra and thong still in place, I meet my reflectio

he bra to the tile floor. Then I pull Beck's T-shirt over my head. I hate myself for giving in to the urge to bring

that dominates the space. Gone are the board shorts. In their place is a p


y avert


y should be this

st plai

how to proceed, I hover near the bathroom door. His hands are lazily stacked behind his head as they rest against the pillow. When I don'

e he

s this reall

Maybe a nightmare. Or

I try to figure out how I've ended up in Bec

ways been avoid

e complete

ink to awareness when Beck's fingers tighten around

raps around my w

ry. Maybe if he would stop touching me, my mind would clear enough to think rationally. But his grip

ension that has gathered between us, his fingers

Am I supposed to slide into

aturday night

ys, "Nothing will happ

tly what I'

about are his

ents falter when he groans, his hand sliding over my bare backside. Everything in me ten

nt Egyptian-covered pillows. It takes a bit of adjustment before I'm able to find a comfortable position on my sid

y eyes. Okay. This isn't so bad. Beck will stay on his side, and I'll remain on mine. It's a king-size bed and there's plenty of space for both of us. In f

no idea. But I banish it from my hea

aybe I'll wait for Beck to fall asleep and sneak home. Is he really going to care

s, Beck wraps an arm around my ribs. I yelp as he drags

y h

around my body and holds me so every part

mean ev

. My breath becomes clogged in my throat until it feels like I'm going to pass out from l

rumbles ag

e jo


ce shaking like a leaf

ing here. En

it won't do me any good. Beck isn't going to release me until he's damn good and ready.

ds droop. I listen for Beck's steady inh

e to st

way I'll

will. A little longer and I

reathing becomes deep and rhythmic. For so

ed to do

I c

ep, wrapped up i

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