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The Journey Of A Heart In Ruins

Chapter 3 Rocky start

Word Count: 1385    |    Released on: 21/10/2023

s day. As she approached her door, she noticed a man fumbling with her doorknob. Fear gripped her heart. "Burglar! Burglar!" she screamed, scrambling to grab a nearby stick. The man in question w

The following day, after settling into his new home, Alex was accompanied by his uncle for another discussion with Juliet. She still stood by her words, refusing to leave. Despite his desire to live in the compound alone, Alex reluctantly consented to Juliet's request for an extended stay, although he only agreed because of his uncle's insistence. Nevertheless, Alex harbored plans of ensuring Juliet experienced total discomfort during her stay in the house, one which would prompt her to leave even before the end of the three months. ****** The following morning, Juliet went to the hospital for her scheduled check-ups as instructed. On her way back, she purchased a new phone and rented a car from a rental car company since she had lost hers in the accident. She realized that having a car was essential for managing her daily activities. When Juliet arrived home, she was greeted by the sight of several cars parked in the entire parking lot of the compound. This infuriated her, as it seemed that Alex had taken up all the available space. Determined to address the situation, she marched to Alex's apartment and pounded on the door. "Who is that?" Alex inquired with a hint of annoyance. Upon opening the door, he discovered that it was Juliet. "What do you want?" he asked, assuming a defensive posture. "What do I want? Are you serious? You've taken up the entire parking lot! Where am I supposed to park my car?" Juliet exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice. "Oh, you have a car? Well, I didn't see any, and I needed the space. So, Miss, find somewhere else to park," Alex retorted dismissively. With Juliet's patience wearing thin, she clenched her fists and confronted him, "I can't believe you're doing this. For God's sake, I have nowhere to park!" "That's your problem, not mine. You shouldn't even be in this house, remember?" Alex replied callously. "Oh! Now I see where this is going," Juliet said, her tone laced with sarcasm as she laughed as if Alex had said something hilarious. As tension soared, Juliet resorted to a drastic threat. "Well, I'm not going anywhere until I decide to. So, if you don't move one of these cars right now, I swear I'll mess with your windshield!" "You'd mess with my windshield? Something that can buy your entire car? The audacity! Well, if you do, I promise you'd sleep behind bars," Alex responded, clearly unimpressed by Juliet's threat. Juliet's anger boiled over as Alex continued to be uncooperative. She k

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