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The Journey Of A Heart In Ruins

Chapter 6 Truce

Word Count: 1797    |    Released on: 11/01/2024

he help of her secretary, arranged them elegantly on her office desk. He pleaded with the secretary to inform him as soon as Juliet arrived. As always, Juliet walked into the restaurant building wi

ersation. His eyes met Juliet's, searching for any sign of remorse or forgiveness. However, Juliet remained composed and focused as went about arranging her desk to begin the day's work. "Sir, please take them." Sarah said stretching the gifts towards Dave "You can keep the gifts, Sarah. I apologize for any intrusion." With that, he left the office. Sarah, feeling torn between her loyalty to Juliet and her sympathy for Dave, returned to Juliet's side, stammering, "Ma'am, what do I do now?" "Didn't you hear what your bestie said? Keep the gifts but please leave my sight!" "Okay ma'm" Sarah said and quickly stormed off. Immediately Sarah exited, Juliet collapsed onto her chair and began to sob about everything that had just happened. She recognized that she still had lingering feelings for David, but she understood the importance of not letting her guard down and making sure she maintained her emotional boundaries. While she believed her actions towards David were justified given the pain she had experienced, she acknowledged that her behavior towards Sarah was unfair. After about half an hour, Juliet regained her composure and decided to go and see Sarah. She wanted to address the situation and make amends for her ac


ists of the puppies were painted she knew immediately, that they were Alex's. So ignoring her feud with Alex and her phobia for dogs, she decided to rescue them. As she carefully gathered the puppies from the road, she noticed a familiar car driving towards her-it was Alex. He immediately stopped and alighted from his car. "Are these yours?" Juliet asked, the puppies already in her hands. "Yes, yes they are, thank you so much," Alex said, surprised, as Juliet handed them over to him. "Please, don't train dogs if you can't watch over them," Juliet said sternly. "And who said I can't?" Alex retorted. "Well, it's very obvious you can't," Juliet responded. "You have no right to say that. They must have somehow escaped from their mother's enclosure or something. How is that my fault?" "And how did they get through the gate?" "I have no idea, Juliet. Don't ask me." "Okay," Juliet answered and towards her car, upset. Later that same day, Juliet heard a knock on her door. As she opened it, she saw Alex standing with two packs of Oreo biscuits in his hands, a smile on his face. "What do you want?" Juliet asked. "Oh, come on, Juliet. Won't you at least let me come in?" "Well, that depends on why you, who have been tormenting me, would be standing at my door with two packs of my favorite biscuits." Alex chuckled, "Fa

le I was driving in, they probably seized the opportunity to dash out, perhaps when their mother wasn't keeping a close eye on them. That's the only plausible explanation I can think of." "By the way, why did you color their waists?" Juliet inquired. "I wanted to be able to differentiate them," Alex replied. "Meaning you don't plan on selling them?" Juliet sought clarification. "Not yet, I'm still considering it," Alex admitted. "Okay, if you say so," Juliet nodded. "Don't worry; they won't harm you. We can go play with them after eating, if you wish," Alex suggested. "Don't you remember? I have a phobia for dogs," "Oh come on,

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