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The Journey Of A Heart In Ruins

Chapter 4Ā Juliet's return to work

Word Count: 976 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 21/10/2023

gular check-ups would henceforth be her choice. With mixed feelings, she returned to work at the restaurant. She was eager to catch up with her colleagues and customers but also anxiou

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I couldn't help but notice Emily's absence, where is she?" Sarah hesitated for a moment before replying, "Oh, ma'm, you've missed quite a bit. Emily's no longer here." Juliet was surprised. "What happened? What about Dave?" she asked inquisitively. Sarah sighed, "Well ma'm, you see, about three days ago, Emily and Mr Dave had a big quarrel right in front of everyone, staff and customers alike." J

ly had been recruited just a few months back. Juliet had mixed feelings about the news she had just heard, a confusing and relieved mix. She was puzzled about why Dave and Emily wo


to discover that someone else had taken it. She scanned the supermarket and spotted a young man carrying it to the counter. She rushed over to him and discovered it was Alex, her nemesis! Juliet's voice dripped with annoyance as she confronted Alex. "You again? Why are you everywhere? Also, you can't just snatch the last pack of Oreos; I got there first." Alex answered with a mischievous grin, "Oh, Miss! Are you that desperate for cookies? Besides, it's not about who arrived first; it's about who laid their hands on it first." Juliet, her frustration heating, shot back, "I'm sure you don't even need it; you're just doing this to annoy me." Alex chuckled, a hint of sarcasm in his tone. "Annoy you? Firstly, you're not that important. Secondly, it's not my fault you always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time." "Wrong place at the wrong time? You've been deliberately provoking me ever since we became neighbors!" Alex feigned innocence."I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you're just too sensitive." "You know exactly what I'm talking about. This

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