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 Contract Love with the Devil Boss

Contract Love with the Devil Boss

Author: DIEN

Chapter 1 Marriage Contract

Word Count: 1198    |    Released on: 23/11/2023

as "Sterling." Her eyes bore an icy, enigmatic allure, as if harboring an untold narrative. Each step she took with her long,

e, his attention momentarily consumed by the cityscape visible from the penthouse's z

nds clenched in silent resolve

al smile that rendered him an embodiment of Greek gods, with piercing azure irises. Even

idable young billionaires, owner of the city's tallest s

ul face. Her doe-like amber eyes and her innocent-look

lia and instructed, "Take your time to read it thoroughly

she laid her hand on its cover. She began to read, word by word, the terms a

t. Christopher proposed a ten-month-long sham marriage. In return, she would

ce, then suddenly chuckled, "So, how do yo

sion bore down on her, and she understood that the significance of this signature would alter

ed up and met his gaze. "Why do you wa

just need to understand that this arrangement will benefit both of us. I will hel

h the truth and restore her family's honor. She had once been the promising heir to a cosmetics empire, but in just two shor

that was slowly consuming her tho

s ten-month fake marriage. She knew she was entering into a comple

inally said with a con

ponse, his gaze unwaverin

eep and solemn. "Very good," he said, then smiled gently. "We

by, handed them a portfolio containi

the paper and signed their names. Their presence and the gentl

and asked, "Is this beca

if he hadn't expected her to know about the connection. "That's

ndfather had been a close friend of Christopher's grandfathe

om her chair and lo

aid. "I hope we can become

her, "I'll have my d

manage on my own," she replied and gracefully

houghts and emotions. She knew that the decision she h

r. She reached for her phone and dialled the familiar number, her heart poundi

to find the right words. "Alex, w

red in Otis's voice.

ment and then decided to b

d Natalia could sense Otis's tension. "Natalia, wh

ionship forever, tears fell from Natalia's eyes. "I th

on Natalia's shoulders had been lifted, but the pain in her chest was

ning tears from her eyelashes. The two'

"Sterling" skyscraper, its silhouette

rth it..." she whi

his office, holding a glass of red wine. His expression was c

desk. It was a picture from his childhood, when

y built. The weight of his family's legacy bore down on him, and he was unwavering in his determination to do whatever it took to restore

ristopher's thoughts. He furrowed his brows when

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