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A Billion Desires

Chapter 9 Nine

Word Count: 968    |    Released on: 24/01/2024

he had just met to spark passion. The other side of Jake entertained Anna's lips, biting and caressing her tongue to gently sip the remains of the wine left there. As sweet

mbarrassment because she had pounced on Jake's lips like a slut. However, she has no other choice but to protect herself from the pu

at his audacity. He was about to move away but was held back by Anna, w

s traced the lines of Jake's face, growing with a rough beard, then stopped at the man's thin, wet

look away, but Anna stopped

d grabbed Anna's waist tighter, making Milo, who saw it, even

away, disappeared behind the crowd, a

Jake's request sounded like a warn

head slowly.

hen picked up Anna's plastic shopping bag piled on the ground. "I should h

crazy obsession had disappeared from view. However, behind this man with exotic skin was a group of foreign t

heart still refused to stop as if she wanted to say something. She doesn't know if it was because of Mi

se it could be that Milo chose to wait at the end of the alley to seduce her and rob her of her wallet. A

Anna had given her permission, it would have been confident that the man who hurt Barbara's helper would have been beaten to a pulp. Jake didn't like men p

he pointed at the collar of Anna's crop top, th

aimed, realizing that her cloth

sked, asking Anna t

going?" shout

t; at least this could help Anna cover the part that shouldn't be shown publicly. Moreover, her full tits are almost visible and invite many eyes t


ke pointed with his double chin, then

e drowning in Jake's fragrant clothes. A hint of sweet vanilla aroma, like milk mixed with amber and a hint of fresh orange, wafted into An

uckling, observing the

f powder or lipstick because she knew that Jake's clothes were a third of he

how parts of your body can turn them into monsters," sa


" said Jake, taking Anna's

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