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A Billion Desires

Chapter 6 Six

Word Count: 880    |    Released on: 24/01/2024

The back guy? Doesn't that sound more like a mockery than a compliment? Jake was not a fan of flattery, but in his mind, he wonde

ial expression still looked calm. There was no way he would spout

n used right in front of Jake? Anna should have just swallowed her shock whole or pretended to forget the rumors about the owner of Lagom. Unfortunately,

disappeared without a trace. She rubbed her face, feeling guilty and embarrassed at why she wa

self, made even more conf

to bottom. "I think she's crazy," she continued, grimacing so that the situation wouldn't become more awkward while begging for forgiv

her brain. She almost gasped, feeling Jake's big hand grip her wrist tightly as if he wanted to break Anna'

y but echoed in Anna's ears. "It would be rud

thank you enough? After all, Anna didn't ask for any money or wages. She was mor

Jake and his damn wealthy family. What if she suddenly makes a mistake? What if... she was like Shanon, who was re


uld give her the power of teleportation so she could disappear in seconds. Unfortunately, it was j

Jake, managing to send Anna's hear


ip line with neat teeth and upper fangs that look sexy in the eyes reminds her of Ian Somerhalder when he played the series Vampire Diaries. "

? He is the one who owns the g

Should she report to Shanon that now she will be sharing a dining

for Nonna for a few hours." Jake let go of Anna

" Anna asked

or who treated Nonna while he was here and will

go home and fly th

s can't be booke

na's gaze fell on Jake's mouth as if hypnotized. There was a flas

hose te

e, Anna. You don'

ering to herself. "You're crazy, Ann, he's a wine boss...

Anna," Jake sai


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