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A Billion Desires

Chapter 10 Ten

Word Count: 1384    |    Released on: 24/01/2024

to the charming view of Melasti Beach. Usually, Jake would rent this place to unwind with some friends and colleagues from home and abroad while sipping wine or cha

ile carrying two tulip-shaped glasses. He approached Anna, si

her head qu

hen poured slowly so that the foam didn't spill out until fine bubbles appeared, sticking to the

want to get drunk," said Anna, but her ha

ells of pear, lemon, and apple come together first before being followed by a character similar to dark chocolate and a hint of cigar aroma. As the leg of the gla

bly pulled back to the flash of a few minutes earlier when Jake makes out like two lovers who haven't seen

ng a slice

you?" Jake asked, trying not t

e glass leg in silence, rearranging the pieces of her past with Milo that she wanted to erase from her memory. The pain of being exploited by this parasitic man has s

ome," Anna said, starting her sad story

e. Shouldn't men be lucky to get the heart

because it was for his mother's treatmen

money yourself? Why does it have to be you who is just a lover?" Jake was itchy

ther's health, but..." Anna faltered as feelings of annoyance and anger gathered together in her chest. It wasn't t

girl's self-esteem. "But?" She took another sip of her drink without taking her eyes off Anna'

se, feeling the drink bubbles mixed with the sensation of soda coming together in he

rowled. "Does

p with a man of foreign descent," said Anna. "It's normal; it'


om. Milo dumped me. I see all men are almost the same; they only approach women to s

e strange things with other women. After all, Jake had to maintain his family's good name in other people's eyes.

ause of that... I'm too lazy to have a romance anymore. I'm tired

wrong wit

rimly. "Because of bleeding in the brai

ke asked if he could visit Anna'

help me wait for my mom when I was called to work in Australia. So... yes, my s

sweet smile held many dark secrets. If he looks closely, the eye bags on

about an illegitimate child like me? I only have a mo

eyes for a moment. "You can ask for my help wheneve

as tried not to attract anyone's sympathy as long as she can earn money nationwide. After all, everything

causing millions of butterflies in her stomach. There was a feeling of strangeness and suspicion as to why this man she had just met had the heart t

read Anna's mind. "If you need my help,

much kindness from others can give rise to misperceptions. Moreover, in front of her is the owner

no longer single. One bitter reality is that what Shanon said yesterday is true. Jake has a lover that no one can shift because

eling is this?

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