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A Billion Desires

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1740    |    Released on: 24/01/2024

man wearing an expensive suit and classic sunglasses decorated with Swarovski cr

ernoon, G

who are already in their 80s in general. Beauty is still visible on her round face, except for wrinkles, even though she often u

e your father," said the woman, patting the broad shoul

always says that Jake looked like his father when he was young. His tall, straight body posture, sharp dark grey irises, jet black curly hair as dark as night, and a fir


and charming in the twilight when the plane moved slowly to park on the north side of Ngurah Rai Airport. Then, holding Barbara's hand while exchanging stories about news and

here until the end of the year?" Jake teased, to whic

ht at the airport pick-up area. "And I agree with your suggestion; maybe I must stay here until the problem is resolv

e car door for Barbara. He wondered what happened to his grandmother to make her

t down immediately before continuing the story until her face became displeased. Then, Jake waved at the second car, telling the men to re

ano," said one of th

thank you again, and got into the car. It wasn't until Jake walked around t

hold back the anger already boiling to the top of her head. "Without clothes, too!" She massaged her forehead, feeling her blood pressure suddenly rise every time

everal neighboring countries, including Germany, always visit to see a short tour of how a bottle of wine is produced. It's a

ed when reprimanded. If allowed to continue, this will affect the amount of wine production, where grapes are the primary raw material.

n the grape harvest at a time when demand for red wine had increased drastically. Meanwhile, ignorant tourists joke that if they have paid for a wine tour ticket, they can eat as much fr

Maybe this is why his father couldn't come to In

"If every day? Can you imagine our compan

ing Barbara's tiny hand tightly. "

," said Barbara, lovingly kissing her grandson's cheek


helps me a lot, Nonna," said Jake

, Jake," whispered Barbara, poking her b


ds in Tuscany, Italy. All this time, Jake knew that Fabio had always let them come during the summer, until unknowingly, the ignorant people took advantage of this opportunity to steal grapes read

his son's idea. "They will protest and criticise because they feel

ng his left fingers on the work table. "Since yesterday, Nonna has been complain

he same time, we're here to limit the number of arrivals. I fe

ainst the chair and closed his eyes, feeling the blood vessels in his temples twitch. On the one hand, it is fortunate that the Tuscano subsidiary le

s vineyard tour offered facilities for picking fruit and tasting processed Lagom that had become wine

ra on a tour of the vineyards in Buleleng. Last night, his grandmother wanted to see how far the Lagom company had developed since Fabio bought the fifty-hectare plantation in

"The change is that our exports are increasing. Lago

"But I don't tire of observing your success, Ja

s, I'm nothing, Nonna," said Jak

the Ngurah Rai Bypass before ending up on Jalan Ir. Soekarno as far as 19kilometress. It took about three h

ored of visiting. Bali offers the warm hospitality of the local people, sunny wea

cute and obedient, as if they had known each other for a long time when Barbara said hello. Until now, Barbara still likes visiting holy

omeland, right?" Jake joked as hi

ned red. "Tuscany is in my blood, Jake. I can't

sses, then opened the door for his grandmother. Extending

Lagom gard

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