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A Billion Desires

Chapter 8 Eight

Word Count: 2002    |    Released on: 24/01/2024

e was with Jake. It wasn't wine that could relieve the tension flowing in her veins, but distance. Even though her conversation with the Italian half-breed was exciting, Anna still fe

percent sure that no woman wasn't attracted to him, even though, on social media, Jake only showed his broad back and firm butt. The way Jake treated women and his enthusiastic tone a

the wild imagination running around in her h

r bodies come together, Annie when he screams your name in hi

ransmit millions of volts of electricity, causing a spine-weakening sensation. Her legs almost sagged, so she had to lean

na was too reluctant to accept several hundred thousand notes as if today's heroic action deserved to be rewarded repeatedly. Of course, at first, Anna fir

lifesaver, Anna

need to overdo it," said Anna, forced to accep

laugh. "Come on, I serious

you if you get better," interrupted An

ark, and the road to the plantation was rather quiet. If it's like this, should Anna withdraw everything she said to Shanon

k," said Anna. "It's great to buy diapers,

Silawarti has been in bed for more than 60 days, supported by life support equipment. However, Anna doesn't want to give up and is determined to find money to the ends of the world to cure her soulma

rn. She was alleging that Silawarti went to Sydney not to work but to sell herself so that when she retur

dness is a little overshadowed by the achievements and money she has earned as a travel nurse. Just imagine, Anna gets paid up to 3800 dollars per week without an


doesn't know which demon brought the man with bright blue eyes and blonde hair who suddenly appeared w

en her ex walked quickly towards her with a

ighting Anna's increasingly charming

Anna, not responding to Milo's

asked, holding Anna's arm

s man with Spanish blood, it turns out he still feels at home living in Bali. Should Anna send a

xury car earlier. Is that

ollowing her. However, what is more important is how the man in the barong-patterned T-shirt knew she had just ret

as her boyfriend in the hope that Milo would leave s

's arm. "You have to hel

's hand. "If you don't have money, work, Milo, not look for money and then waste people's money! You're cra

ing. He had to get some money from his ex; after all, the girl in front o

ed in annoyance and left the

nted. "You extort their money too, An

a sharp look, not accepting being insulted as a bitc

red. "That's the reality, right? You left

hrowing a hard slap on Milo's c

et place to be fucked because she mocked the parasitic man. Anna struggled, but her lips were sealed, and her body was pushed against the wall of

touch on her chest. She pushed Milo as hard as she could, but she lost so much stren

out there, Ann," said Milo, his irises shining w

ed Anna, kicking

ling pain at the top of his head

pping bags. She turned her head for a moment and watched

ary napkins fell. There was no time; she kept running as fast as possible to avoid t

was blind

Anna mingled with strangers while occasionally looking back, hoping that Milo was far behind. Crazy, really crazy! Anna's hands w

to the village street and being confronted by a crazy man. Moreover, the hustle and bustle of the nightlife in Ungasan cannot be separated

ned her head and widened her eyes when...Milo's angry expre


to give up on getting what he wants. The glimpse of the crazy man kissing Anna's lips kept spinning until her stomach turned nauseous. Anna is not a cheap woman, nor does she


trying to find a plac

f a beach club building while making a phone call across the street. Like finding a ray of lig

oring the loud horn sound. "Sorry! Jake!" She screamed un


oise of the vehicles around them. While Milo tried to keep up with Anna's speed,

shoulder when a crazy idea came into

by the girl's sudden appearance,

id Anna, pulling Jake's shirt collar

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