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The Doctor Secretary

The Doctor Secretary

Author: Raphaela

Chapter 1 The clinic

Word Count: 1554    |    Released on: 25/03/2024


moned?" I politely answered my

ghs. I inhaled one before I blew it out loud because I was so stressed. I am worri

playing with the cigarette on my finger. I have a lot of stress in my life especially now bec

son," he an

riously. He was ashamed of me so

y something you need, especially your medicine. Don't worry about me her

y because

" he answered me before I said g

y my cigarette and stomped on it because a stick of yosi was in order this morning because I still have work. I s

ology doctor's secretary. I am also paid a lot even though my work is not difficult. My doctor boss is just rich so he is

more than the word Dr. Jaxon Philip De-Gracia is the owner of the hospital and he is also my boss. He i

ust a smile but not

him struggling t

said before arranging the things to be fixed at his cli

late at night. I looked around to check if there was a patient coming but there wasn't one

eally rude, he can wake me up if he behaves well. I stood up sud

up. He also doesn't know that I'm still studying because I can combine work and my studie

e. The nursing course is also difficult when you don't really have money because you

is only on weekdays. My weekend is free but I also have racket

d and bowed. It was really my fault becaus

and went inside his clinic and closed the door hard. You can

him. Perfect looks and Ideal Man for me. Stupid I was lef

the air. I reached for his car keys that he just dropped in front o

it yet," I said annoyed. Because he just pressed

t I'm like a dog that follo

will not be affected by his aura because it is difficult that I might be fired. I have my biggest fear. I

ey on his desk. He just looked at me so I kept quiet for a

n language with everyone. Even when I walk he notices and even though my voice i

s very sad because I left him. Because that's a disease of the rich. As for me, I

se friends because I just want to be happy even if I don't have money

I calle

lower your voice, Zareen Zeb! Do you

his eyes that are burning with anger because I'm just being loud in his

y it calmly," I answered and turned aroun

rls when you're too

e?!" he asked seriously

houted and ra

p but I let him go. I just s

s a good thing nothing flew in Ere. I took a deep breath before I fell down and my te

. He doesn't have any chicks. Maybe that's why his head is hot at the top b

y head because something entered my

s no doctor because I am not talked to when there are no patients but when there

few minutes. First I retouched and perfumed. Sympre we women still n

d doctor Jaxon came out. I bowed but was not able

ip tint on my lips. And one more thing, I don't expect anything from the doc as l


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